Not 100% sure...but it’s not light. 15-20lbs. I was really going for something you can throw some things in and let it slide around wherever. Pile stuff on it etc. Next one I will probably try and make it lighter.
Been a bit…wood pile is still growing. Burned a lot this year though…still am even. Some random pics of things going on. Will try and post more.
Nice looking work ya got going on there Cole! Looks like you got lotsa big stuff to process too. I'm in the same boat. Don't have the really cool piped race saw to buck it with though.
I have the same problem... I want to just keep bringing in more and more... its easy to get behind on splitting lol.
For sure!! Its hard to pass up the opportunity to get wood when its available. then I get home and wonder where I am going to put it all.
You can always stack some here if you need to. I certainly would have no need to get into your stacks. I have plenty. lol