Last winter I found a standing dead 6”BL tree on my neighbors property. Other than that I’ve never had the opportunity to get any. I have two BL trees on my property, I’ve been hoping more will sprout from them. There is a hunting club across the street from my house that I’m a member of. 100 acres, awesome piece of property. I’ve been a member for 7 years, all 7 years I’ve admired a huge black locust grove. But the club rules state all firewood stays on sight. So be it I respect rules. In the last month I’ve seen a couple truck loads of ash come out the gate. I wasn’t going to say much if someone is keeping their family warm. On Jan 1 I went over to pay my yearly dues and asked about firewood. THE RULES HAVE CHANGED!!!!! If it’s dead we can cut it! There is so much I can’t begin to guess how much is there. Looks like it’s been laying there for years. I hauled 2 loads out on my atv trailer which is the only way to access it . I’ve always heard it splits easy, I couldn’t believe it when I took a swing at it. I’m going to get it while the getting is good. There are a lot of leaners , the winch on my atv has came in handy so far
Excellent. You must have missed a meeting or two. Strange old rule anyway. Game doesn’t use wood stoves.
Wow good for you. Like they say better get it while the getting is good. The ATV and trailer are earning its keep now.
Thought about that. I’ve saw some nice double axel ones on here. It’s only a 5 min ride from home so no big deal. I have one nasty hill to climb to get to the locust grove. Might be a good thing the trailer is small.
Thats awesome Slocum You mustve been happier than a pig in...well cant say that on here. Scored my first locust in October and was surprised at how easily it hand split. I think you'll be hunting more often, just for wood!
That’s funny, I grabbed my Fiskars and took a swing and the round flew apart. I thought about how much hand splitting you do and thought you would love this stuff. I dont know this stuff might ruin a guy.
The thing that surprises me is how it grows in the woods in your post. I said this before but have honestly never seen locust growing in a forest. Only roadside, property lines, empty lots etc. I know of a few roadside areas where i could cut a few locust logs, but have to work to get it ie thorns, tangles etc. Before Winter ends ill make a locust run!
I’ve heard old timers talk about their locust groves, they planted them for fence post. The groves that I know about I wonder if they were planted.
That is interesting to ponder. Either way G4U! How often will you make a trip there to cut? Can you go at your leisure?
Oh, man, you HIT!! Some neighbors told me about a BL stand the had on their other property, a couple miles away. I went over there and it was a gold mine, dead ones lying all over. When you start cutting on 'em, and the saw is throwing brown chips instead of yellow, that stuff's about ready for the stove. That was quite a few years back, and I really haven't burned all that much of it. I guess I'll pull some up to the house stacks so I'm ready for the polar express that will roll in at some point. It's about time I got back over there and checked again. There was a big one lying there but it was at the edge of the property, kinda close to a neighbor's house, so I didn't mess with it. I guess it's still there.. Nice quad, too. Those have about 5" more ground clearance than mine does. How does that low gear work? I could use a lower speed when hauling a tall load in the trailer over bumpy, sloped terrain. That winch would be sweet, too. And some nice, new tires. Yep, just let the ones at your place spread...heck, start fertilizing 'em!
Congrats on the Locust find. I love the pictures, too. Its great to see others equipment and their process for getting the wood home to the burner
Excellent way to clean up that wooded area and make it safer to be in. Get all the dead standing wood you can. Collect as much as you can. Split it later. Thus might be a "you suck" candidate!