Anybody had any experience with the Ashley coal burning circulator or the wood burning circulator? From what I understand wood can and is burnt in the coal burners but they have to label them coal burners for EPA regs. Just wondering how well they hold up to wood burning? This is the coal burner This is the wood burner
A few years back I read a review on a Ashley wood burner that got a family happily through some brutal winters. Go on the Net and type in Ashley wood stove reviews and see what comes up.
I had actually was the coal burner model, the only difference is that they have air holes that can be opened up on the ash door for under fire air (the way coal burns) They are kinda cheap, and not super efficient, but they do make heat! If you can find a newer one, 2017-2020 they made an EPA cert model that burned cleaner...don't think they make that one past 2020, all "coal burners" now. Eric VW has had both I think. There was a used post 2017 EPA model for sale here locally for cheap recently, I told my coworker about it, but it sold quickly. He was interested in it because of having little kids and it has that outer cabinet on it, should be harder to get burned...
brenndatomu is correct, we started with an old dual fuel Wonderwood. Shaker grates warped to death. Didn’t want to mess with coal anyway. Stove is still in use in a coworker’s shop. I think that stove is probably 40 years old. Eventually bought the EPA version but again just for wood. Works gooder enough for us, heating from the basement up @900 sq ft.
Had a similar one 4 decades ago (80's). Built a plenum for it and tied it into the ductwork system. Lots of dust but sure worked. Same trouble with the grates....easy to warp. I think it was left in the house when it was sold.....darn the luck!