I will be honest I don't know why I don't use the 359 more, not a thing wrong with it but I just don't. Hope to go to a friends house this weekend and do some cutting , he has loads of hemlock logs that were dropped there that I am welcome to take I just need to cut and load the trailer. Not my #1 choice for wood but it is free with easy access so I might as well take advantage of it. I did a muffler mod and knocked the limiter caps off the carb a while back on the 359 , guess it's time to knock the dust off it and give it another shot before I jump the gun. Thanks guys.
Yep a few times, like when we went to the car dealership in Dec '18 to LOOK at a car... And went to saw shop to see about a head for the trimmer, a MS180 for my hunny somehow got off the shelf and followed us out the door...
My late uncle gave me a new 028 in 1985 when i was 17. This was after hurricane Gloria. I was using a cheesy little Homelite (didnt care or know any better just loved cutting wood). Somehow the saw was run with raw gas and ruined it. I bought an 026 to replace that and my 290 replaced that in 2010. Shouldve kept the 028 powerhead.
how much lighter is that bar than a "standard" Stihl bar? Is that new? Havent seen you using it in any of your posts.
It seems about the same weight as the 25" bar. I bought it from a guy on OPE with 3 square grind chains. Lightly used for testing some port work on some saws. He helps Tree Monkey. I have used it a few times, usually for felling or bigger trees. Used it when we dropped the two white oaks on the thread, Helping a friend... And on this big oak...
I can make one of these fall into your lap(if the guys who are looking back out), maybe you're just messing with me because you seen the ads . Want to Sell - Husqvarna 576 W/Low Hrs Want to Sell - Husqvarna 572
I like em unmolested so that 576 is out for me. There’s been one for sale local on market place with 28” bar and 3 chains for 800 for awhile. Hard to decide if I want to fork out the $$ for a new saw just to know it wasn’t abused and get a little warranty.
I'd get the 572 if it was me over the 576. The 576 is very smooth and it pulls a long bar great, but the 572 handles like a dream and does as well with a long bar. If I was looking for a very smooth saw because of issues with vibes I'd get the 576. If you need help getting into a 572 for just a bit over what their asking shoot me a PM and I'll get you set up with a guy . buZZsaw BRAD I was just talking to a buddy who says he's selling his very clean 362(early model) with double dawgs for 400 plus shipping. He may have a buyer already, but I thought of you when he told me this morning. He keeps his saws cleaner than I do mine . Reason for sale is he has a newer one with a carb also as well as many other saws so it doesn't get used.
I got this one for sale. They don’t get much cleaner I was asking 425. If your interested give me a shout.
Well it didn't end well. Or it did ??? You decide. One of the members here had one for sale or shall I say sold. Now all I have I have is an empty wallet. "Stihl-itis " I think it's called. Two saws in a week ; that's bad!! Worse than Corona virus. Stay safe everyone , I will post a couple pictures when I get it