With the plate being welded to the outside, how do they handle the door alignment to the body? Do they cut off the existing hinges and then space...
Can't answer for him, by my John Deere 1023e won't pick up a tote full of green wood (stacked neatly in the tote) but will juuuuussst barely pick...
Sigh, this thread being bumped reminded me that I need to make time to repair my IS. We had a runaway that damaged the stove during the only cold...
A few years ago, we installed a Woodstock Ideal Steel stove for our main heating. It's fantastic when the weather is under 20F. However, above...
I own both a 550XP and a 562XP. IMO, yes, it's worth having both. The one scenario in which I would swap the 562 for the 570 is if 1) I was young,...
damm sorry to hear this happened to you, Walt. I lost an uncle this last year to a limb under tension that sprang and crushed him while he was...
Re-read this thread and then tried every combination mentioned substituting years. The current code is "FHC20" and it gets you 40% off.
Just tried. Neither FHC2019 nor FHC2020 work.
Good question. I just checked my stock level and it's time to reorder.
Only the deer are considered sporting animals and have a defined season. The other stuff are considered pests and can be culled any time to...
Sure, the law says you can't shoot within 300' of someone else's structure. The law is completely silent on what you can do around your own...
You laugh but I've taken 3 snapping turtles, some groundhogs, and a racoon from my living room window this year. I'll be taking dear as well once...
Off the top of my head, I don't remember what the firebox size in the IS is. At about 2/3rds full, we get 20-24 hours depending on just how much...
Both the minimum and maximum rates are higher for the Keystone than the IS.
Looking at Woodstock's site, the Keystone is actually rated at a higher BTU/hr output than my IS.
We have a pretty efficient home and a Woodstock Ideal Steel. It's great when it's -20 out. It's awesome when it's 0 out. It's wonderful when it's...
IMO, yes, it's worth it. Soapstone holds a MASSIVE amount more heat than firebrick. The soapstone will make the stove warm up a little slower as...
Wow, I feel dumb. We just bought out 2 TSC stores a week ago. 24 packs at the close store for $3.99-10% and then 23 packs way up in Delaware for...
Since we're both in Ohio and burning bricks from TSC... who's your cheap supplier :D
Yep, like I said, they're not legal in a lot of states. Just one of the reasons why they're a really useful idea for most people. The rest of the...