I hope it's red inside! Last time I tried growing watermelon, I cut one open and it was barely pink, mostly white.
Can’t help you there. Even the market Mellon’s are a Krap shoot. I’ve tried watermelons in the past and got walnuts that just shriveled. Even if it’s barely pink, it’s a big one barely pink!
Check it out. Mostly good tips. How to Tell if a Watermelon is Ripe - 4 Tips to Pick a Good Watermelon
Did some picking yesterday except the sweet corn was this morning . Loaded up for produce auction today.
Picked and peeled back some Indian corn this morning . Went into the greenhouse to dry for a day or 2 before putting into bunches.
It is time to declare war. Something has been riddling my garden this. Corn gone, no peppers (plants eaten off) and now this. From the damage any ideas as to what it may be? They melons are one of the few things that was doing good in the garden this year. I was getting to close to harvesting. Suspects are Coons, groundhogs, rabbits or deer. The destroyed corn looked like deer or coons. If it is one of the first 3 I can give them lead poisoning without any thing being said.
If you have a live trap put a can of cat food in it. You will find your culprit. You can buy it for 10 cents a can. I used to keep 20 cans around. The coons would get the corn the very night it was ready.
I had deer eat winter squash a few years ago. I would have blamed raccoons or groundhogs but the soil was damp and the deer hooves left major imprints. Deer got my apples and pears this year. I just had most of my grapes disappear overnight. I think it was turkeys though.
Groundhog would be my first guess. Time for some double 00 buck. As Brandon Scott mentioned the live trap with cat food is the ticket. It will catch coons ,possums and SKUNKS! Good luck.
I have 6 celebrity slicer tomato plants. 4 of them are pretty much in the shade and have no drip for extra water. The 4 in the shade are pumping out tomatoes like mad. That was three days. All blight-free. The two in the sun : Ok, there's a tomatillo in there. Shame to make tomato sauce with slicers. Especially perfect slice of bread sized ones. Been a couple years since I've had blight-free slicers. Some of my other tomatoes on the other hand look like crap.
They do ! They might not be the greatest tasting tomatoes in the world but they are pretty good. I give a lot of them away . Relatives during the week and one of the local food pantries on Saturday get the ones from Thursday and Friday.
In our area, it would be bear or raccoons getting in there. If it was bear though, nothing would be left.