So yesterday evening I went out to the shed to do some cleaning after working on the house all day and when I opened the shed I smelled a strong odor of gas. I pin pointed it to the saw shelf and pulled down saws till I came to the Farm Boss MS-290. When I picked it up, fuel ran all over the place and I realized this isn't good. So, I laid it on it's side to open the fuel cap and gas poured out like crazy. Well, the gromit going into the tank was non-existent at the fuel hose. So, with all going on here I ran it up to my usual place where they service and I get my chains, I got a call today and they said it needs a carb and fuel lines. "According to them" the gas was bad and the ethanol ate up the gaskets and seals in the carb. I am "guilty" of letting that saw sit, it had stable in the gas and I used it about a year ago... And I neglected to dump it and run the tank dry. "My fault"! So, I said put on a new carb and fix it. I'm sure this will be a $125.00 mistake.
I’ve seen it turn lines to mush. I’ve let some of my saws sit for extended periods and never had it happen though and never run my saws dry. When not in use, they sit in my basement so they’re at a constant cool temp.
Neighbor gave me a mid 90’s vintage craftsman saw... said he had no idea how long it was sitting. Drained the fuel and it was black... no fuel line in the tank... only the fuel pickup filter. Filled the tank with gas (without the fuel line and it started right up). Now I just need to find a replacement fuel line... I let my saws sit. My 2 stroke mix has stabilizer in it. Also use stabil. No problems yet, knock wood... glad you didn’t have a fire!!
This was on a Husky 55 that was given to my son. Had a friend run it through his sonic cleaner and put a kit in it. Was surprised it ran fine after. I thought for sure it would need replaced. The tank was horrible. What worked best was a flush with very hot water and purple power mixed. Did that several times, then flushed a couple times with mix.
i am no mechanic but i have done that repair for more than one friend ,it is easy ,aftermarket parts are around 20.00 ,i know your busy now but you can do it
Had to have been a typo. Ethanol can eat up seals and rubber but by the time the farm boss ms290 was out, all the seals and lines were not rubber any more, but rather butyl and nitrile I believe. I've got a ms290 farm boss as well, and it's ever really only had e10 in it. I wonder, had your saw ever been worked on? Lines replaced before this? Possibly with non ethanol resistant rubber/ vinyl?
once you get up to NH, it looks like the Sunoco in Winchester has non ethanol 93 octane at the pump. Its all I run in my small 2 strokes and my generator. Never had a problem with them. I have to drive 45 mins to get it though.
Sorry for your bad luck. I go out of my way to buy non ethanol gas. Do a google search for “pure gas“. There a good list of gas stations that comes up for Indiana. Since I switched I’ve had practically no fuel problems.
My shed is "hot" all summer long, it does have a vent but what ever the outside air temp is, that's what it is inside. Most of the summer it's been in the 90's
I "usually do". I don't know why I forgot this one and I thought back when the last time I used it. I should have checked it before coming up to NH.
Yes, Sorry, Ethanol! I fixed it. I had a few in me when I wrote it... I was a bit P!$$ed off at myself...