My brother and I headed down Rt 250 one Labor day weekend, ended up on the Blue Ridge Parkway, took that south to Rt 129 (Tail of the Dragon) ...'twas an epic ride. 129 is the only road that I ever made myself carsick on (and on a 1500 Goldwing no less!) (I had to edit this...said we rode "the snake" when I first posted it...oopsie )
I never understood the monkey butt syndrome. I've never experienced it even when all day in the saddle, during record July temps (over 100*) in Ohio. Maybe my butt has genetically superior genes or something It is always cool to see bald eagles, and other wildlife as long as it isn't up-close and personal!
I must be a candy-azz...can hardly stand to do a 2 hour stint without a break, even on the "lazy boy" seat of the Goldwing...and that's just the first leg...they get shorter after that! Never really dealt with "monkey butt", though...just get to the point where there is no comfortable position to sit anymore! (and I worked at a bike yeah, tried all the stuff that's out there for long rides, I'm just NOT iron butt material! )
Yeah, I've had tired butt syndrome and a break every 2 hours is definitely needed. Heck, I need a break from my desk chair at least every hour. The right seat is everything. When I bought my used 2006 SG, the previous owner had put a Road King seat on it. It was very comfy for long rides, but still needed breaks. I haven't done any long distance rides on my current SG, maybe 5 hours max (with breaks), so a modified SG seat is okay. I sent it to Mean City Cycle for foam and a shave so it is better than the stock. I need to find another seat that doesn't raise me too high, or have a wide horn for when I do decide to take a trip I'm more comfortable. No way I could do the iron butt though - I don't have that kind of focus or ability to stay awake that long. And let's not even get into the driving during dark on unfamiliar roads (much less trying to ride same in the dark).
Honestly don’t know, DaveGunter. 1st set of skins at about 8k miles on the bike, done by me in my humble garage. Also installed the 90 degree v Solid brass valve stems. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
My wife and I are pretty, well... not so pretty sore right now. Probably 11-12 hours in the saddle Saturday and maybe 9-10 today. About 1/3rd of the way home we hit a heat wave. Bike showed @ least 95 most of the way home. 852 in 2 days. Seneca Rocks Black Water Falls were a great break on the ride home. A friend who frequents the area said he’s never seen them so low before. View from the restaurant at Black Water Falls State Park.
A gal got some pics of me riding out of the dealership yesterday. Too bad it was cloudy, the color doesn't pop so it just looks black or brown, when in reality is is Merlot Sunglow
Awesome day to ride to work! The bike shop needed me for the day so it really wasn’t work.. I love being there and miss it. Took the bags off and had ‘er in sport mode. Dang, this thing rips! Love it more as time goes on.
Thanks! it sure brings out the good side in people when I go for a ride on it, I get thumbs up and waves.
I did. Since about Nov I've been working for a company that installs and monitors breathalyzers for autos. A friend has worked there for close to 20 yrs and got me the job. I just couldn't afford to collect the smaller unemployment through the winter off season. Last years wet riding season reduced my hours significantly so the check was due to be smaller. That was the greatest "job" I will ever had.
I hear ya on that...I was lucky though...only ever had one official winter layoff...and that was early on. Congrats on the new position! I did 7 years the first time, got burnt out, went and did some other stuff for a while...5 years in sales (wont make that mistake again) them did 4 years wrenching on heavy equipment...then went back to the bike shop for 2 years...and that was a big mistake! Shop was poorly managed and the owner and I butted heads. The guy could have retired a millionaire if he would have pulled his head out of his rear end for a while...but no. He had the place for sale for years, and finally just this year sold off the 5 franchises separately, and now the real estate is still for sale...they were in business since the early 70's. Was no other factory dealers for at least a 30 minute drive in any direction...and this is a pretty populous area, so IMO if the place had been run properly, he could have almost named his price...