i would do the same since its a scenic route. Wood size is perfect for you as well. Drove to the NE corner of CT last Summer to cut for a friend. Took a heaping PU full home. Quite the sight coming down the interstate. Hour and a half one way as well. Im surprised he isnt saving any for himself or plenty to go around?
His property is 10 acres, and there is quite a lot to be thinned out, for trails etc. Plus, he doesn't know when they will start to build, could be next year, or the year after... You are right, the size is perfect for me. Lots of fun to hand split in the winter.
The land that's bring cleared is where the house will eventually go. There's acres of wood there. Maple, cherry, beech, black birch
Looks like a magical forest for wood hoarders Midwinter and MikeInMa! Does Jersey count for being local? haha! Just kidding, that's a bit too far for me. Nice tall straight trees stretching to get to the sunlight which will for the most part make for some nice splitting! That alone might be worth the drive.
The wood is primo. All free firewood is some kind of work. This batch, the work is driving in an air-conditioned car... all I have to do when I get there is load it.
Yep, I know exactly what you mean and if you don't mind driving you got a good source there. Kinda funny when you think about it, but we're all using the air conditioner now while scrounging for wood heat. I guess humans are never happy with the temperature
Roadside scrounge on the way up to WeldrDave's.... I passed. I wanted more fresh-cut sugar maple! My pile of logs is growing...
C'mon Midwinter , tell us the truth. You programmed your GPS for roadside firewood...and had to go "out of your way" to check it out?
It's just a couple driveways down from Dave. It looks to be resting on a rock wall... waiting to roll down and flatten whoever messes with it.
Nobody's giving any wood away in Nashua! It's about half a tank of gas for a trip out there. Maybe a little less.
I hear that! Given the lack of wood nearby these days, and the even greater lack of time for me to be out scrounging these days, I am just going to have to break down and start buying logs. 4 cords at a time in the winter wont be bad. I figure I need 6 to get my 3 year plan 100%, then about 4 per year after that. Do it all in the cold of winter as time allows.
I think you found yourself another scrounge to come back for after you're done at WeldrDave s place molly! Just don't mess with that giant crotch widow maker. Love the ferns btw which ironically I don't get to see too often down here in the "Garden State". If a lot of the trip scenery looks like that I can see why you don't mind the commute.