Only a mixed blessing because my wife was just having the talk about how I am putting too much time energy and space into my wood hoarding. I think this is swamp white oak? Definitely has the whisky tannin smell. There were a couple good sized 16” long rounds, easy splitting and primo picking. I grabbed a big chunk for a coworker who smokes. Oh, and I just couldn’t pass up this bundle of cherry sticks? When it rains it pours, and my honey dump has really been providing.
Firewood is hugely time consuming, and scrounging just adds to the hours spent, due to the driving around and scores that don't work out. I'm retired, and still other chores go begging because I'm busy with firewood. You've got the right idea, hoarding on the way to work. It's hard for spouses to get the value of firewood in the summer, hopefully she appreciates it in the winter. You are entitled to have a hobby and "me time", and dedicated space in the yard.[/QUOTE]
Im on the same boat, sort of. Ms' buZZsaw complains as well. Mebbe Mrs. fancy plants and her can start a FHC support group. I have no other outdoor hobbies so i justify it. Like Midwinter said, other chores etc go by the wayside at times.
does it smell like apple when fresh cut and split Midwinter ? Ive rarely cut or scrounged apple, let alone fresh stuff. You still have the hydro splitter?
Yup, still have the splitter. But at some point, it will move on down the road. Don't know when. Fresh apple wood doesn't smell sweet. It smells like apple cider vinegar, to a greater or lesser degree, depending how long it's been on the ground I think. This batch was very mild, but I've had some that really stunk up the car.
grabbed some more chestnut oak (thanks buZZsaw BRAD for the ID). The pickings are getting thinner or shorter, but mostly it is just a mess trying to dig through and get at any decent rounds. I tried to keep it under 15 min and was pretty close, thanks to the easy splitting.
nice looking score sir. Good stuff towrd the three year. I like "green & clean" wood. I hear you about the digging part at the dump. I havent been in a several weeks and will grab and go with what i could.
Got a carload of poplar this afternoon. I did alright without a trailer, this is all I was up for anyway. In addition to cutting it, I had to carry it out of the woods, then handtruck it the rest of the way to my car. Nobody else answered the ad. I probably will go back next week for more.
nice looking wood there Midwinter Great score. Will you resort to splitting that the "old fashioned" way since its poplar? Is that your Stihl saw? When did you get it and what model?
It was cut a few days ago, and no punk. The other trunks were cut this spring, and at least one is off the ground, so it should be good. If it was December I'd split it by hand, but the heat changes the fun ratio. So I'll use the splitter. I don't want to save the rounds until December. The saw is my Stihl MS180. It zipped through the poplar OK. It's light enough for me, although I would like to try a bigger saw for comparison. I got it a couple years back, when I was new to the forum, it was recommended to me by Backwoods Savage.