Picked three dozen of the marketmore cucumbers this morning. Stitched up the center seam for the vines to sit on should some of them get that tall. I was going to use strings for supports but about 6 strings in I decided to use trellis. I like how they tend to support themselves on trellis with their tendrils. May not always go where I want them to without daily adjusting but I wasn't having much luck with wrapping and I just didn't want to buy that many clips.
It is two fifty foot rows of plants 12 inches apart. 12 T-posts 10 foot spacing, 12 - 1.5 inch plumbing T, 1.25 irrigation pipe and fiberglass antennas for a top rail. It's a few more cucumbers than we need.
That happened to me the last time I tried growing water melon. This year I have another plant taking over my garden. I'm hoping for some red in there!! Does anyone have any tips? I coworker asked me if I turned any yet. So, should I?
I don't think I would. I don't think 5he big growers turn theirs . Go back the stem from the melon to where the leaves start. Look for the tendrils(little curly things) and when the first one or 2 are brown it should be ready. The belly should be a nice creamy yellow color.
I used to put a board under my melons and still do with the butternut squash as there's something that likes to drill into them when they sit on the ground. They seem to like chewing on the skin/rind. One year they do, one year they don't. Doesn't ruin the squash but they don't store.
Hmmm, more zucchini blooms opened. Spring was way too late this year. So far I have 2 yellow ones about 3/4" long, and one healthy developing green one about 1.5" long.
Some of our BlackKrim tomatoes, yes, they will turn mostly red, lol The wrinkles are typical , like stretch marks. And, this plant is loaded with this type of tomatoes.