Has anyone used pear wood to smoke? I took down a small pear tree for a customer yesterday and I plan on setting it aside for the smoker.
Yeah,i used a ton of it a few years ago....I got a whole load from a tree service,trees were damaged in a snow storm,burned a lot of it in my offset
The hush puppies were just ok. I don't think we will get them again. Next time they will be homemade.
Ok..I was having trouble postin...so its pastrami with coriander black pepper and brown sugar....this is 3 hrs in and now I'm gonna wrap for 2.5 more at 250°
Wasn't aware of the missing narrative, thought you were just doing a pavlonian experiment How long do you brine your pastrami?
Pizza on the smoker. My wife had everything ready for me when I got home from work. She is a good woman.
yeah salt and soy sauce...i was to lazy to add sugar.....was only gonna brine about 7hrs but cooking plans changed so it got about 24.....no specific measurements i just kept tastin the brine as i went...good thing cause they wouldnt have survived my brisket brine for 24hrs!! they were fantastic...cooked to 145°
This is a fresh untouched brisket your brined, not a corned beef right? Brining a store bought corned beef would be like eating a salt lick
You’ve got to soak a store bought in water for st least 10 hours. Overnight is probably better. I did one and it comes out great.
I was asking if skeet used a store bought corned beef or a fresh brisket cut as yes a store bought CB would need to be soaked in just water to remove the salt, but brining the CB in salted water would be awful. Unless brining without additional salt is an option that I am unaware of?