How close are you to Lewes? My GF's brother and wife just bought a house and moved there from the Atlanta area. wow 38 miles! I am spoiled. Go get that WHOOOOOOOOOOODDD!
Yes, the guy lives 3 mikes away. He’s clearing his property to build a house. All poplar...guess I’m a wood snob And you are my first fellow Delawarean who posted! Whooooooooood! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm a lurker/dreamer. Lol, I'm in Dover, have most of the tools but only one chimney, and not enough mooohla or nutz to make the jump, well there's a family in there too, long story...but yea I'm in Delaware.
Had the day off before I head down south to Deep Creek, MD for a guys weekend bash. Decided to maximize my time by fitting in an early morning fix of giant red oak. This sucker was huuuuge. Had to buck the tree and roll the giant pieces over a tiny bridge to the truck. What a workout! Went through 2 blades on the saw unfortunately due to metal so the hoard was only worth it for the workout. Here are the behemoths. Had to had split them due to size. There’s still 3/4 of the tree left. Hoard on brothers and sisters. May the wood be with u. Whoooooooooood! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's some serious hoarding goin' on there! I spent several years doing this sort of thing, rolling 300 lb. oak rounds up a ramp. After one decided to come back at me, I started to think about a better way.
OMG, that’s brilliant! Does Ford install those My back is holding up for now. Battle scars on arms and legs but no permanent damage so far. Whoooooooooodddd! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
nice looking score zombie. Have a weekend of wood hoarding with the guys and get the rest! Have fun and hoard on!
Ok, I have 2 major scores lined up in the 110 degree heat this weekend. Finally buying a 6000lb trailer tomorrow. Then headed 45 miles to NJ for a giant load of cherry. Yes...I said giant load. Whooooooood! What say u cigar smoking hoarders? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No cigars but you wont need a lighter tomorrow to ignite one! I guess heat doesnt bother zombies! Are you going to jrider 's place? He has a zombie fence up. Wanna see pics of trailer! You getting both scores in one trip?
Is that a far ride for you? I saw on CL the other day someone posted oak for free but the picture showed black locust. That was about half an hour from me so it wasn’t worth it. Good find for you. I love cherry
I’m in the middle of, is it hot. Had to take a 15 minutes break for every 30 minutes of work. I might not hoard anymore at 1pm in the afternoon. Whoooooo...cough.,.cought....dddd! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk