Had huskihl port the 441 mtronic I bought last winter. It had between 2-5 tanks through it when I sent it to him. Have some plans for some arctic handle Stihl’s some time this upcoming winter. Once I get past a few upcoming expensive purchases come fall time. Any new ones in you stable?
New old one lol. I picked up a McCulloch 125. It's turned into a bit of a long term project, but I'm anxious to get it done.
Terry Ives the kart racing legend is building the engine. It was bored a little bit with custom boost ports cut in. Also will be getting a custom Reed and carb set up. It should be a real good runner. After that's done he wants to run it a little before doing more port work.
Not really no pretty paint or chrome. Maybe at some point, but not right now. Here's a picture of the Reed and carb.
I'm doing pretty good. I think the high here averages about 86. Way better than the 100 degree bs in the city.