Cmon I’ve been burning unseasoned pine and Leyland Cypress last year. I think that’s like 2 for 1! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yea, you just wait till you stoke that thing on some good seasoned Oak or Hard Maple. Your whole perspective changes. Edit: You're only crazy in the amount you burn if you're cold in your own home. That's the reason for burning wood. Heat to comfort with less $$$$.
Happy pre-fathers day hoarders! Man, what a week. Work suxxxxxx. Oh well, time to get a fix tomorrow...oak fix. Traveling 30 miles to cut down 4 smaller trees. I’ll see what I can fit in the Raptor. This could be epic...what say u? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
T Be careful getting more trailer that the tow vehicle can handle....wonder how I know...... Friend loaded this green oak June 3rd... We went to a different place and loaded this load of standing dead hickory and oak June 4th. And noticed my truck bed was like this... I think it bent the frame a bit, even empty you could see the gap difference. Today at work, I put 2 - 1000# weights on each side right behind the cab and picked up back end with fork lift under trailer hitch, let it hang for about 20 minutes. I think it lined up good...I got to be more careful.
Good fix! Sounds like you need a F250/350...I know I sure don't regret upgrading ...I was pretty hard on my F150...she did take it though
I do, can't find one in my price range right now, I'd probably overload the trailer I've done well with our truck. Hauled over 9K net weight of scrap metal 50 miles to the big yard on the 16ft equipment trailer. It's easier to balance the load on it. Hauled a load of hickory that netted a bit over 7K on the dump problem...I just got greedy and didn't want to make a second trip with that green oak...and it was only 5-6 miles from home......
It took me a while too...I just kept watching and waiting, then one day I came home from work and jumped on CL...there she was. We had the van loaded up and headed to see it within an hour...I gotta give my wife props for just rolling with it that day! Something will turn up sooner or later if you are patient same with a trailer there cigarsmokingzombie
That's the way to do it, don't wash them, you'll wash them to death, and if not washed, they hold out and last a lot longer than normal My wife has washed my new hickory 2 times and that's too much, i'm not going out to a opera, i'm out there ''huggin''logs and makin it into firewood. I'm not trying to be some thing i'm not, why wash it if its just going to get all dirty within the next few min after you start cutting, or loading your ''prize''. After i get my firewood cut, split, and unloaded i hang my shirt outside on a hanger and let the wind blow through it, makes it smell better too. I've even left it outside in the fall and put it on when i go out in the morning to cut more wood. Its a little damp from the night, but, its cool and it'll dry by the time i'm up in the woods cutting wood.
NICE trailer, is it fairly new?? Nice load of wood, if the trailer is empty it's costing you money, if its full of wood, you'r making money, one way or another!!!
That is hardcore T.Jeff Veal !!!! I have never seen anyone bend their trunk and then straighten it back out. Great fix. That was HUGE haul
Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads... good luck with your haul tomorrow cigarsmokingzombie . Hope it’s EPIC
Good luck with that oak tomorrow cigarsmokingzombie Was this a CL/FB score? Be careful with the back and get that WHOOOOOOOOOOD!
We bought it new end of February '18. It has hauled many logs home and several loads of firewood out to customers. Full cord thrown in It holds 1.3 cords stacked...
Ok, up at 6:00am for a 40 mile ride for red oak. Arrived on time at 8am sharp. Cut one tree down and cut into pieces. Raptor fully loaded including back and passenger seat. Finally got my fix after a loooonnnng week. Happy Father’s Day hoarders! Whoooooooooooooooooodddd! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk