Heck no. I went to baseball game instead. Checked every inning and didn’t miss any scores, whoooooooooooooooooood!! This score looks great. Need to find me some Locust. Numb, numb, numb. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Between CSZ, Buzzsaw Brad, Midwinter, Mwalsh, and others, I'm surprised there's any trees on the east coast. I'm happy ya'll can get as much as you do. Hate to see it go to waste.
Just come on down to DIXIE...I'll even turn the fan on for ya...I've got wood going bad...not enough hrs in the day...
That's no good Ya have to have a November GTG for us Yanks. Maybe even December, we'll be snow-birds of a sort.
Yea, Bambi season will be in...you would want to be sitting in the woods...I told Midwinter we could do it in August or September, like one of those fancy resorts, free exercise equipment, sauna, catering, even free shade tree and fans. If ya be good, open the pool up... I really would like to do something one year....
Surprisingly, I only feel about 1/4 as sore as I expected to this morning. I still need to offload the Bronco though, so my back will likely thank me for that this afternoon.
I feel pretty good. I'm going to split up some of those rounds that are too big to move today. My husband found some new wheels for the hand truck, so that will be back in service.
Good idea. Looks like Wed and Fri are going to be the dry days. If you pick away at the smaller stuff, we can probably empty the yard mostly on Wednesday if I can get free in the afternoon. If we back through the yard and skip the hand truck, it will be much quicker. Probably two- three more big loads left. Then I'm hoping to take Friday off, and we might be a le to knock it out then.
I probably will be taking a beach day on Wednesday with my grandson and visiting relatives. But Friday would be good.
Looks like it will be a great beach day! Ill still plan to knock out ad much as possible if my schedule allows.
This load went to the dump, not from the dump! The bottom of the biggest locust was a little punky too.
It bees like that sometimes...when I didn't have much wood on hand, I would save that good wood around the rim. I had the chunk some away this morning.