98°F / 36.7°C here yesterday, humidity below 20%. The average high is 70°F / 21°C. They're forecasting rain for Saturday. The late seeded crops won't get out of the ground if we miss it. There are some ticks around, but mosquitoes and black flies are really scarce.
I was through there in 2006 (I think) on my way to Tok. Cool area. I wish we would’ve had time to look around
Thanks for the pictures Rope. Was just talking about your area yesterday with a friend. It's been a long time since my wife and I were up there but do still wish to take another trip up there. What is the price of gas up there and in the Yukon?
Today was humid could compared to the last few weeks. These 90 degree days feel like air conditioning after the five or so straight days of 100f + temps that ended last week.
Maybe we will get one tomorrow? Had some rain last Friday. Didn't really knock dust down. Rained hard for like 30 seconds. Rained this morning but was so short the dirt was still dustry and didn't look like it had even been wet.
Cloudy and humid today...mid to upper 70's. Few peeks of sun. Humid enough to make "sweat" on my styrofaom iced coffee cup. Burning hardwood scraps and bark in firepit. Started it for the charcoal. Montreal seasoned steak on the grill.
If I had stayed at the cottage, I would definitely have the stove lit. As it was, I stayed in town last night....not fire in the stove and a very cold basement! 55 inside temp right now. (upstairs is much warmer!)
That sounds chi chi chi chilly! 72F here right now. Windows have been wide open overnight. Probably close them up soon on the main floor and wont need any A/C for the day. My upstairs windows will stay open all day to purge heat. Love this time of year Yesterday it reached 84F and completely sunny. Needless to say when the neighbor's invited me over for a swim in there pool I accepted!
Current temp is 59.. Bedroom windows open, the only close when night temps are close to frost.. Hey wife is a Canadian
Had more rain yesterday. Now they are guessing no more rain until Sunday night. That is a long stretch compared with what we've been having lately.