Wow, nice work cigarsmokingzombie ! Looks like you have one of these . Now you need one of these And one of these. Oh yeah, maybe one of these too. Maybe a few more of these. Did I mention I may have a problem hoarding more than just firewood. Looks like yer doin just fine, Ignore me.
Who needs all that fancy stuff when u have a hoard of CSZs?. Ok, we admit, even for a zombie, that’s some pretty awesome chit...drool. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Very nice score, yes sir, that is white oak, good splitting wood and nice BTU'S. It will squat a truck in a hurry. You got your workout in, for sure...don't be getting a hernia, you'll be laid up for 6-8 WEEKS, just dreaming of all the wood you're missing...
Not to mention back problems. A sledge and wedge would be in my tool kit in the truck at all times. I didn't like the fiskers I bought, like my nusky splitting axe better but cost more than a fiskers. Learn to take slabs off the sides rather than split into halves. You can get a work out splitting and not end up with the back problems or a hernia. Al
Ok, second oak load this weekend. Man this stuff is heavy. Ripped a plastic piece of the Raptor tailgate...hmmm, will have to look that part up. There is still at least 3 loads left. Taking a break for now. Trying to incorporate my zombie dog Rocky into the pics. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My zombie wood hoard collected the past 2.5 months. My wall to keep humans out and Zombies in will be finished soon. Muhawhawhaw! Whooooooood! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You must be young because my back hurts looking at your pics. When I only had a truck I would noodle rounds too big. Trailer has a drop down tailgate so it's relatively easy to roll now. Consider taking it easy on your back before it reminds you that you're actually human, not a zombie...
A couple ramps help a lot. A motivated fella can get some big stuff into the truck with a good couple ramps.
GF says i spend too much time making firewood and on FHC. I suppose there are worse things i could be doing nice hoard of saws amateur cutter. Have you tried your other new "toy"?
Well, sort of, got really busy at work yesterday & the skeeters were too thick by the time I got done . Heavy rain & storms today, but we did pull this dead car out & push it on the trailer. Winch didn't act like it was even there. No log skidding yet though.
Your new toy...err, tool is paying off already! Well, actually, pushing a dead car onto a trailer sounds like a no pay job when you are running an auto repair shop!
Zombie, you might want to trade that Raptor in for a power stroke and a dump trailer! I have a duramax pulling a 14k dump and it is outstanding! Roll huge rounds up the ramps if you don’t noodle, unloading is a dream and it holds a lot. Food for thought as you certainly have the bug. .
Yeah, it’s a tough call. Every other day I drive the Raptor, it’s like a sports car until I load it with firewood and drive 45mph home. I feel like it satisfies my speed and wood fix. However, I think a dump trailer would be a perfect companion. I just need to find one that’s reasonable. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Meh, good news on that one, it wasn't my problem. Belongs to my buddy that bought it for a project & then decided it was too far gone.
Hate to sound pessimistic, but that's a tough thing. Used dump trailers are usually used up & they still want good money for them. New ones ain't cheap, but they really are a great tool.
What the heck! You drive a 4 door pickup and your only using the BOX to put the wood in???? You could have put 1/2 again as much in the back seat if you'd stacked it right!! And, if its not on the bump stops, or saggin and draggin she's not loaded!! lol.
Good point but I’m not dealing with spiders and ants crawling around inside. Although, i did think about throwing a giant round in the passenger seat yesterday. I guess I could use the seatbelt to keep it steady! Whooooooooooooodddd! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I agree with pessimism, I’ve been looking for one for months. They seem to sell quick and my low ball offers aren’t doing the trick. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
IF your really into the wood thing, bite the bullet, get a trailer, its a pay me now, or pay me later thing with the pickup acting as the main wood carrier. Meaning, if the pickup breaks, its EXPENSIVE, if a trailer has a problem, normally not that much money spent on repairs. Up the annie a little more and you'll find a trailer just right for your purpose. But, it might look a little ''fishy'' parked behind a bank, lol.