If it is a native beetle it won't be a problem, if it's another foreign invasive species. We're doomed.
Makes sense, they are in the Ash stack, and there was one i missed while trying to take the picture, emerald color , i figured it was a Ash Borer of some type. What kind of spray is good to spray them with??
its not a dung beetle B.Brown! Couldnt be any worse than the maggots i found in in a piece of decaying locust i nearly scrounged a couple weeks ago. Needless to say i left it.
positive, no legs and they wiggled. I can deal with snakes, spiders, ants, mutli legged squiggly critters, but maggots skeeve the h#%l out of me. Ran into termites the week before. Posted a thread on it.
I would have kept it, I keep a can of Ant spray at the saw bucks and just soak em' good. End of the story for them.
I've run into those white wiggly things under the bark of damp locust, too. I just stripped the bark off and left the wood exposed, let the birds eat them. The wood is still fine.
When I split wood the chickens are up my skirt trying to eat all the bugs and worms. When I start it they come running.
LOL no, but my town just allowed them, just no roosters. I do get my eggs from a little farm/plant stand on the way to the dump, $3.50/dozen but they are very good. Supermarket eggs taste off, like fishy, to me now.