Had a really warm night and it is 65 now. Supposed to start falling temperatures very soon but it looks like we'll be getting some more showers first.
A little colder than forecast last night and about ten degrees colder than forecast today with no sun. Been burning pine all morning. Some time this morning they changed the forecast from rain today to just cloudy and of course now it is raining.
Rain all day. Still raining. Most of the snow is gone. Ground is back to squishy. Typical spring stuff. 47 OAT right now, dropping to 36. Furnace is handling the heating duties and has been for a good two-three days or so.
Started out with sun. Warmed up to 70. Took Holly for a run on 4 wheeler. Rain came on and left. Sun came back and now cloudy, maybe more rain. About time for me to head in for the evening.
Cool and windy.. 30 sustained and 50 mph gusts temps at 50 outside 60 to 70 in house... No fire yet.. But if dampness sets in ...
Cold and wet here.. Topped out in the thirties with showers off and on all day. Set a fire for the girls before leaving for work, reloaded shortly after I got home. House stayed at 70s, not too bad for 11hrs on mostly white pine. (Okay, there was one piece each of ash and sugar.. )
44* 72* Ash and Locust. I think this is it till October. Burning hot to make the last cleaning easier.
Well, our roof is free from snow once again thanks to the rain we got. Temps to below freezing tonight so maybe a snowflake will show up with reinforcements. Hope not!
58° and sunny, we'll see how long that lasts. I'm hoping for a dry day because Saturday looks to be all rain. I think no fire today, headed to 70°. Happy Birthday Maina!
24 when I peeked out the window this morning. The only snow I saw was what is left in the yard from not melting yet. I'd say we're about 50% snow free here now; cottage has more snow as of 2 days ago. Looks like lots of sun today; I'm sure we'll hit the 50's!!! Midwinter I'll try to get some more pics of the honeycombed ice along the shoreline this year once it happens. Did you already see those I had posted from years ago?
Very slight drizzle this morning, and only a bit of snow where the sun doesn't hit is left in the yard/woods. 36 this AM.......a little surprised we didn't get at least some snow last night. Chance of rain for the next few days, but I hope not too much......I have almost a cord of Boxelder to split and stack. Just started a small fire and turned down the t-stat. It's already warming things up/taking out the damp chill.
Thanks Midwinter! I’m hoping for a dry day as well. Looks like a high around 60 here and we’ll take it! A little pine taking the chill off this morning.
63ºF outside here today. Was outside early. No sun and windy so a little chill. Went out and came back at 10:00 or so and there was a fire in the stove with huddled shivering masses. I just shook my head and went and got some more pine.
Low 40's here. Fire in the stove as soon as I got up this morning. Probably will add something before hitting the sack tonight. 40's again tomorrow then we warm up. Looks great for weather especially Sunday with 65 and no rain. Possibly 70 Monday but rain moving in late. Yesterday I noticed just a few leaves coming out on the lilac. All the soft maples look red on the ground now so leaf time is not far away for those. Poplar won't be long either to get leaf.
Yeah that's what I was told earlier. I thought about suggesting opening a window but then I'd have to do a window inspection later so kept it zipped.