I have most of the common species that I want in my stacks at the moment. However, hanging around here and hearing about Mulberry, I couldn’t resist. I work for a local tree company and have come across 2 small scores in the last month. Both should have gone through the chipper but I set them aside and brought them home based on Hearing how good it is.
Good looking splits. Ive never processed any myself. Nice that you can get wood from work. How much wood can you take/get mr.finn from work?
I like Mulberry as a smoking wood... You did good for saving it from the chipper... Those look like a good processing size anyways...
Mulberry rates right up there with black locust in BTU'S and better than red oak. I used to mix it in with my selling wood till I did some research on it. As Chvymn99 said, a good smoking wood.
I have a bunch, it's nice. I think I need to let it season longer than I have been though, I would say at least 2 years. You may have done good saving it from the chipper, but last year I had a good sized mulberry taken down and the stump ground up, and I must say it's pretty nice wood chip/mulch since it starts out that vibrant yellow then slowly turns dark red. It would look pretty nice in garden beds if there was a way to get it exclusively as mulch.
I can grab wood whenever I need it. We sell log truck loads when we have enough. We don't come across a lot of good wood, usually residential yard trees, big oaks, pine and such, unless we do a lot clear and get into untouched forest. Most of the good size wood gets run through the chipper, we are in the tree business not the wood business. We will salvage some firewood if we know someone wants some and come across decent trees.