I didn't realize that Nevada was a trout state. May need to research and plan a fly fishing trip there. Maybe the wife would come with me. She doesn't fly-fish, but sure does like to feed the one armed bandits with all my money.
Weather has been great spent the last 3 days ice fishing in the Wrangle St Elias National Park. We stayed at the Sportsmans Paradise lodge on the Nebena road at the north entrance. It was a 8 mile snow machine ride to Tanada lake and 8 more once off the lake to Copper lake, head waters of world famous Copper River known for the Copper River salmon the silver/red salmon. We caught lake trout and bourbot, our friends own the lodge, and we had this ice fishing trip planed. Kind of a end of hockey season family get together fun trip. Our kids all play hockey together and families get along really well. I hunt last season with both Mike and his father. Me John and I hunted the end of moose season last year when I got my moose. Mr John, Justin and I are going sheep hunting this August. Mr. John came out to the lodge were able to visit last night and today. Really great times, I hope FHC has as great few days as well.
Beautiful! Looks like everyone had a great time. Love the picture of the Queensland Healer, I had 2 of them.
24 and 77 this morning. The snow that buried Well Seasoned and Canadian border VT didn’t make it quite this Far East thankfully. We got a few inches Friday morning, enough to make it really slick, but it melted before the day was over. One of those wet spring snows that just helps the rest melt. Blew a gale all day yesterday but today it’s calmer and might hit 50 with the sunshine. Spring is making an effort.
Spring is here in Alaska, snow won’t last long with warm wind we’re having. I will be putting the snow machines away for the season this week.
I was watching the weather and was surprised to see you were much warmer than we were. Yet, that is not uncommon in the spring. I never could figure out why but it happens every year. I remember the time I started watching this (when I was a little lad) and Marquette had the state high temperature for the year and that happened in May when they were over 100 degrees. That must have really been weird and ended up with a whole bunch of roasted yoopers.
Thanks for the pictures Tom, they are beautiful. Sounds like a great time was had and the place is beautiful. Good luck on the sheep hunt and I'd love some of that meat! One of the best steaks we ever had was in Alaska. We met a nice couple who lived by Palmer when we were staying near there. They gave us some mutton and that is the first time I had ever eaten any. I have to say it was absolutely fantastic!
Well it was around 40 but has warmed to 60. I burned a little red maple and cedar this morning to knock the chill out
Was a beautiful day yesterday. Chilly until around 3:00 but then warmed up. Today is supposed to be a bit warmer. Not bad right now. Some sun but lots of clouds. They took the rain out of the forecast.
The temps have dropped since last posting. And the wind is downright cold! 24 feels like 14. Amazing how a couple days of sunshine will turn you into a wimp!
Worry not Dave, it will return. But March and April can sometimes seem like very long months while waiting for nice weather.
Yup. We've both been through too many years of late storms, etc. I just have to laugh because after only a couple days of nice sunny weather, 14 feels like below zero! How does Judy feel today? (With her fingers, I bet!)