What kind of herbicide? I’ve got some cottonwood saplings in the back yard that need thinning. They seem to sprout back quite readily also!
I use straight roundup custom as it safe for use near water or dryland. Any glyphosate prduct should work. Make sure to paint the stump with a half hiur or so of cutting. Sponge paint brushes work well. If u wait much over an hour, recut or use a different chemical called garlon 4 Generic is oil based tryclopyr.
Thanks ! Never heard of roundup “custom” but I’ll check in to it. I’m guessing early spring when they are starting to leaf out good is best
Cut stump will usually work anytime, but fall and winter are actually the best as that is when the trees are storing energy in their roots. Also less likely to injure non-target plants. If you can't find round up custom, any glyphosate product that has a decent amount of active ingredient, maybe 25% or more should work. If you are working near water, try to find an aquatic safe product. Good luck!