I was really surprised at how stable it is my sons didn't believe me when I said they couldn't push it over or knock it down so we went out and they pushed and pulled to no luck lol I have had to struggle and go out in soaking rain when a tarp or cover would blow off my stacks with this you build it and leave it no worry about covering. Close to 2 cord of wood in that 8 ft circle..
Just some random pics that I like. My little dog, the way I was able to keep working in my neighbors woodlot during mud season, and a pic of brush burning near sundown after clearing brush from a woodlot.
The little dog is pretty sweet, but she has a ton of energy and can be a bit mischievous if she does not get enough exercise. The blue stuff is herbicide. I cut a ton of buckthorn out of my neighbors woodlot. Buckthorn is a terrible invasive here and if you do not treat the cut stumps it grows back as bush making it even harder to control and even more of a problem than it was as a small tree. Oh, and welcome aboard. I see you are pretty new here.
This was a long day. This was a cold SOB. 12F with a stiff wind. Future Lumber Jill. Can't ever seem to find 18-24" trees lol.
Winching a hackberry Totes of wood Asking a lot of my little tractor My little boy and a nice sugar blow down
Great Pictures to wake up to Slocum and DaveGunter . You both seem to exhibit a mix of harmony with nature and disciplined order in your lives that is very spiritual. Thanks for sharing