And I think about what we went through last year when just before Thanksgiving I was laying in the hospital and my wife was told I might not make it. Then it took the rest of the winter to recover. This could happen to anyone. Or think about the year I dang near broke my back in early September. That laid me up for years. So what is not to like about having some extra stock on hand?
Going to bring more oak to the porch today. Next 3 nights around zero and not too high daytime either. Where oh where is spring?
Still stuck in the cold funk. Sitting at -19 c feels -31 c or -2 f feels -24 f right now. Was a feels near -40 with the wind overnight. If the forecast holds true (yeah right!) it should be near normal weather in about 5 days. Poplar n heating oil on a regular basis around here.
I am drinking the Kool-aid. I am working on my 20/21 wood, only 40 more pickup loads and that should be done. "I am shaking the bush boss" I will have 3 years by end of this year. If I can get 100 loads by Christmas I will be in high cotton.
I have about 5 years of wood, I have neighbors that are already out of wood, I don't feel the least bit bad for them......Priority's!!
It was -30c/-22f an hour ago but has warmed quickly this last hour. Now its -25c/-13f. Doug fir in the box.
I think most high volume consumers of firewood can relate to why its so hard to have 3 years ahead. I burn in the 20 cords a year range. That leaves me needing 60 cords for a 3 year plan. That's most peoples 20 year plan. I am sitting somewhere at the 30 cord range right now, cut-split-piled
I've had coworkers and neighbors ask why I cut so much wood, I'm 64 and there will be a time I can't work so hard.
That's exactly why I am slowly investing in more equipment. Dump truck or trailer is next. I need to just head in the small scale logging, for equipment. Its going to be the only way. I have 9 years to retirement and its only going to get harder. This cupcake needs to get on the ball.
Ive always thought the 3 year plan was great for those who can do it as it totally makes sense. There are people like me who have limited space to store wood. I limit it to 7 cords max and thats a mix of burn this year and quality green wood that has to dry for a few years. I have opportunities for stump to stove wood from time to time. I like to put up as much wood as I can early in the summer as often the dead wood that Im harvesting is still a bit above 20% and benefits tremendously with a summer in the stacks. Living in a region of high forest fire danger like mine also plays a big role on how much wood I should store at the house.
Rope I believe it's the hunter gatherer (Hoarder) in all of us here and the fact that I love cutting firewood.
Maybe that's why its so hard to get enough wood ahead. Took me 3+ weeks of day light to dark hunting to catch my moose, then spent 25+ days catching salmon, don't know how many days bird hunting. My family is hunter gathers, all 5 of us, I like interesting. My wife accuses me of liking to cut wood, says I don't do things I don't like. Maybe she is right.
Its definitely harder to do things you dont like. Im real glad I like spending as much time as I do out in the woods with a chainsaw and then all that time it takes to process it once home. Spending 25 plus days catching salmon sounds like a hoot! Whats your predominate salmon you target?
I love being in the woods, I want to be logging again. I want to be outside all the time, makes current work suck. Makes cutting wood after work easy. My local salmon is the silver/coho. I get a few kings here and there.