Aside from the handsome devil in the foreground. Answered a Facebook ad for free wood. You cut n haul. Wish it would’ve been last fall. But I believe at least this first tree is oak? And then the second tree? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
looks to me to be some variety of red oak based on grain texture and bark. Decent green and clean wood. Better late than never!
I see more elmish bark, sapwood, growth rings. Plus the lack of medullary rays. But it’s hard to see those sometimes with lighting and or the presence of sawdust. Either way, CSS it .... it all adds up!
It's easy to tell when you split it. Oak will have semi metallic looking rays or spokes in the grain. Gorgeous wood. Or... If there's any leaves left, oak leaves tend to stay on the trees well into winter they are a dead giveaway. The bark on that second one does look like an elm. Btw, oak also has a very distinctive smell... It's pleasant. Elm... Well isn't pleasant smelling.
I will vote Red Oak on the first tree. Second tree may be different, not too familiar with Elm varieties. Was it standing dead or already down? As far as being handsome, I think the hardhat and hookaroon really enhance the look.
First pic, the bark looks like our elm. But the wood kinda looks like red oak also. The second one looks like white ash
The second pic is ash. I think the bark is to coarse for red oak in the first pic. If you could post a pic of a piece split that might help.
Hard hat and hookaroon do add to the picture. Trees were both felled last year after harvest I guess. The guy rents the house and local farmer owns it I’m sure. The renter is a sheriff deputy in a neighboring county. He said he was supposed to clean it up but had no saw nor use for the wood. Glad I can be of help! I haven’t split any yet, and need to haul another load or 6 to get it all home. Time for a trailer... thankfully it’s only about 7 miles away so no problem with the long bed pickup making several loads. We’ve had lots of snow and wind so I’m gonna have to move a large pile o snow to get to where I intend to start stacking split wood for years out. May have to wait till spring Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If the branches under and beside the tree in the top photos are from that tree, then it can be no other than elm.... They grow just like that here. We see those “berry” looking nodes on Siberian elm, specifically.
Yep I agree on the first tree. By looking at one of the ends with the color and the bark Siberian or American Elm.