So the wind took half the pine! Now the bottom half can come down too. I'm glad the top didn't hit the house or a car. It must have made a scary noise, was your son home?
Rained last night and today. Got up to 45 though. No fire until this afternoon . Currently some red oak in the stove. Lit. Making flames and heat. Probably load up for overnight and maybe not start back up in the morning as it will be around freezing but sunny. Probably won't need the stove going again until late in the afternoon. Might depend on the wind as there is supposed to be some..
Had everything here today , roaring wind , Pouring rain , freezing rain , sleet, snow , all is well so far 27°F -3°C now , low tonight 16°F ash in the box
Dang! Looks to be about 2' on the deck. It is windy and the temps are taking a nose dive to -10 tonight. Got the driveway and path taken care of anyway.
It took down probably around 15 feet worth, maybe 8" around, there's still 30+ feet left at least. Matt was home, we didn't have service where we were, but when I talked to him when we got into service, he said it was real windy. I really need to get my pws up to around 30ft high to get actual real readings.
23 with red oak doing the deed. Wind is letting up a bit. Low of 12 tonight Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Warmed up to 4 today, spruce keeping the house toasty warm. Some more birch that I cut yesterday, making after work, just loading and on to the house.
I have forgot them more than once. Thankfully the snow machines and wheelers have heated handle bars.
Yep, I remembered that post, been known to do things like that & just keep working to get things done. Sometimes ya just gotta suck it up.
Still snowing, and last time I was outside with the dogs, it looked like the Arctic or something. Maybe Alaska...I'm not sure, but it was nasty. Not that Alaska's nasty, but this weather is. Like HD, we've had almost everything today including a brief peek at some sun. This should just stop. Yep. Nice fire right now, and just about to do the final air adjustment before bed. Tomorrow's another day.
-7f oak slabs burning . I'm starting to remember why I bought a 7.5 snowblower for back of tractor . Ya snowblower tractor not in running condition because I didn't need it last 5 years lol. There some hard drifts 4-6 footers after 24 hours of wind blasting . Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk