32* yesterday.....53* today.....still 42* Feel like this..... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...IwCXoECAEQAg&usg=AOvVaw3PtnkmH6lYToGcNWoiK4Vq
Pretty nice day with some sunshine 36 , Windy though W 18 G 28 , low tonight 17 , maple choochin in the Lopi Looks like the snow is gonna melt Saturday and Sunday
I think we'll lose some, but just a couple days of warmer temps won't quite do it. Bonus......we'll get back our skating rink.
Yes there is ice under the snow , Don't have that much here though 2, 3 inches so It should melt away . When I was out getting wood I was walking in the snow instead of the lumpy ice trail , Don't need to be bustin my azz
25F Oak & Maple. Sounds like Sunday is gonna get really windy. They were talking about ice damaged trees being a hazard in the afternoon wind & then supposed to get cold again. Good news is a tree service dumped a 4' Burr Oak off this afternoon! Nice solid tree too.
Was a nice pleasant day, too bad I had to work, made the best of it by bringing home a load of birch.
Weather is calling for 12" of more snow heading my way. Which one of you told them I have a new snowblower? Skies seem to be clearing a bit with the temps at -2. I'm thinking it'll cool off a little bit more.
About 20 this morning. I loaded Pine and Maple in the Wood Gun earlier. Icy conditions all over, but they have the roads in good shape.
35° already, time to go outside! I'm thinking I'll try my pry bar on that second oak trunk this evening...
21 Went out at 6am to plug truck in and smelled skunk. Spring is close. The forecast has Sunday's high at 48 with snow. Next week temps drop into teens/low 20s all week. Been a great winter here weather wise. Fell asleep without a reload last night and woke up to the 'pane running. Smalls, uglies, punks and longs Katy korner brining temp back up quick. Will load up some coal before I leave for the day.
24.3 °F with calm winds and occasional snow flurries. Storm total of 22 inches with another 1 to 2 today.
Today is beautiful with 36 predicted and it is sunny. Tomorrow the rain is supposed to move in with temperature in low 40's followed by more rain and high wind. It could get rather nasty out there. Stock up on generator gas fellas. Wind could get to 60 mph!