So last week was a first, my first full week trip for this employer. The last time I was away from home this long was for two weeks before Christmas , three years ago , and I knew how long I would be there. Drove to Albany airport, to figure out a sort of involved issue. Found one issue the first night, and had parts shipped in to continue troubleshooting. Fixed another issue before knocking off for the night. My normal hotel chain app had me spend the night in Troy, woke up to this great view of the Hudson river. Interesting bridge across from the hotel took a walk for a closer look above here the river has dams and locks making it navigable up to the canal that connects to Lake Champlain. Wednesday I was back at trying to fix the problem all day, working outside in the cool weather again . Thursday I started swapping parts off of a known good airplane to figure out what the problem was. Finally figured it out, but needed more parts. Which were delivered by a courier at 8 pm. Didn't finish up until almost midnight, so a third night in a hotel So I took the scenic ride home, Rt 2. And got to visit winter for a few minutes
Chewing right through the cords, this will be 3.5 down in a day or three. A couple guys from church came by and moved a half cord into the empty rack Which will mean less to get soaked in this latest failed storm when it changes to rain. if you noticed, I changed my steel roofing to run crosswise instead of lengthwise. Too much garbage was building up on it before. Now it will just shed with the rain the way it should We also hauled a load of smuglies to my friend with the tiny European stoves, I have enough, and currently his saw is at his father's in northern Maine and his splitter is dead
I use metal roofing as much as I can as well. I'm curious how do you hold them down? I have been tossing heavy uglies and crotches on top but the wind will still play havoc on them from time to time. I've considered using roofing screws with a rubber washer to shoot in to the splits but am afraid the roofing would just take the splits for a ride in high winds.
I have a 4x4 beam running along the top of the center pallet. I screwed old boards to the 4x4 to support each seam all the way across.
Oh yeah, tell me about it. I got a new stove and now i got to cut them below one foot. Before upto 1 and a half wasnt a problem, anyway the new stove is way better.
Scrap wood supporting each joint, screwed to the 4x4 beam Out enjoying the snow before the storm changed to rain and ruined it all... Repairing my friends electric splitter Welding on a new nut for the side guard/log cradle Turned out to be corrosion in the switch because the power box split away from the motor. Layed a thick bead of RTV around the split to keep the wiring clear work I great now
I got the MIG welder, aotodarkening mask and grinder at harbor freight, I'm very amazed at the quality, especially since it only cost about $200 For everything
so this winter is a flop, but I really wanted to take my younger two sledding last Saturday. Someone in my church took care of getting us into Nashoba valley tubing area, we had a great time!
Sunday afternoon I drove up to my sister's place in Lake Placid , this was the view from the top of Brandon gap, looking over the Champlain valley , it was even better than the camera caught Passed this guy in the valley Crown point bridge to NY. Monday morning skiing with my sister and BIL before she went to work. Nothing like fresh power in the morning! This was my first time skiing in almost a full year, and we went to the top of the 500 foot ridge behind their house, I did a couple faceplants on the way down. Back before children , I was unemployed one Christmas , so I made these as gifts, still doing amazingly well. My kids were at my sister's after a church youth convention, so they also got to go skiing for the first time in 9 years. My nephews and I went to the top of the ridge again, my kids turned back before the really steep part near the top GPS position drove home that afternoon, looks like my winter was all in one weekend this year
You might wanna try a finer blade, thats at least what i think worked alot better. Im using IBC's too... i got to say i adopted the Aussie way for the roof and never looked back. What you think about it? The idea of 2 IBC and a pallett in the middle is good... Edit: I miss understood something, should have watched the 2nd video straight away. Do you put any weights on top? Im using old care tyres for that sort of stuff.
I use screws into the 4x4 beam along the center of the rack to hold the roof in place, no issues so far
Wednesday I got to visit winter again. Unfortunately I didn't get to do more than look at it though . I drove parts to Plattsburgh and drove some back. This is camel's hump mountain. The whale tails in Burlington causeway to the Champlain islands Grand Isle Ferry The lake is frozen over completely, but the ferrys keep their lanes open Crossing the causeway on the way back, saw this guy sailing on a snowboard on the ice
As much as this winter is a pathetic failure, I did manage to get a couple sessions of skiing in. There isn't enough snow on the ground to cover all the rocks and sticks, however on the paved railtrail, 2 inches of snow is enough to ski on. The ice through the rock cuts is spectacular . Sunset over some of the ponds along the Salem-Windham-Derry rail trail. Windham station, took me an hour from the Salem rail trail parking lot to the Windham station, and an hour back . This might be my only local skiing this year