Saskwoodburner, this seems like a rough winter for you! Hope you are doing ok there. Hope your plumbing is, too. We touch -20 here every so often, and lots of folks have issues with all the old houses that had indoor plumbing added well after their construction. -40's sustained here and I think more than half the town's pipes would fail. Teens here tonight, good for us so the ice melt won't turn into a mid bath. Sugar maple going in shortly for the overnight - the wife's 10am load is about petered out now, 72 inside.
Yes it is very nice area. If fact we bought this place as a weekend get away and liked it so much we decided to move up here full time. Been here now almost 3 years.
Doing just fine here. I can dress up for the weather, but still get that cabin fever feeling. There's nothing I want to be doing for fun in this kind of weather. I feel bad for all the animals and birds too, the poor devils are stuck in it. I raised my water lines last year and insulated them a bit better, so nothing frozen so far this year. I don't think it can get any colder so if they haven't froze yet, I can't see it happening at all. You can however get near fridge temperature canned drinks by leaving them on the floor!
12°F out now , low tonight 7°F, ash in the box Good thing there was only a half inch of snow on the ground , The wind was kicking butt today
14F here, going down to 8. Wind has died off some. Much better out now. Kicking butt was a good description earlier, it was brutal. Oak in the boiler & saws in the fence rows tomorrow!
Great post. I'm getting wore out on the winter too. I think most of it has to do with where I'm building. 8100 feet elevation is so much harder than at 5 or 6 thousand every day you throw chains just to get to the job site. Then you end up cutting your way in because all the poorly managed forests. I get winded easier at the end of the day up there. Hunting, hiking, ect is so much easier than building at that elevation. ( post holing around in new powder)
12 degrees with clear skies Got home about midnight, after visiting a local pub. Loading the boiler after a few brews was a challenge. No singed hair and settled in for the night. Tomorrow is sunny, but i have commitments which keep me from cutting. Sunday is snow, so i may be low going into next week.
-17f now oak slabs are burning . Barometric pressure is rising boilers a BTU producing monster. Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
Up from a couch nap and a bit chilly indoors. Ole rumbly not so spry the last few fire ups, so hopefully it's just dirty electrodes that I can clean up tomorrow. Poplar in the reactor.
-13f at this hour. Got black ash and paper birch blazing in the hearth. Heading out to the darkhouse at 6 AM to get set up for the morning pike and panfish run.
18*..69*.....temp still fallin.....highs in the mid to upper 20's......ginkgo gettin things goin again then some oak n maple.
-19f it's warming was -22.7 f about 45 mins ago oak slabs in the vanishing machine. 75f in livingroom. Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
Cellphone hated -22f but I got shot of the slab vanishing machine. -19f now oak slabs .. Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
20 feels like 2 with 40 mph wind gusts. 75 inside still on coals but that’s about to change. I’m pretty amazed that the Fireview can keep up with heating 2100 sq ft in these conditions but it’s still 69 upstairs, so just right. Heat pump hasn’t seen too much duty this winter thankfully, and none for the boiler.
25° currently outside, 70° inside, blower still cranking from LN. Re-Load of scrap 2x10 pine. Wind is howling.... Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk