Jayden. That's what this two day ordeal has been labeled. Please refer to "it" with respect. I'll be up 4 or 5 times to stoke tonight!
Jayden huh? I wonder if Winter is getting confused by constantly being given different names? I give it due respect. Coat, hat, boots, lots of dry firewood etc.
12 outside 71 in, just finishing a load of aspen and cherry. Don't burn much of either of those species in this cold but was late this evening loading so I put that in and gave it some good air. Probably load with oak and locust, maybe a split of ash.
-28f now with 24 mph wind headed for-30f something Got enough oak n ash to get through the night. Will have to go out to restock and move snow drifts tomorrow. Kids no school so I’m staying home with them. And so I can keep stoves rolling.
Yes it will. Just used your conversion chart says -61 below wind chill. Just went to the shop to reload stove for night and it feels like it. Tomorrow is not gonna be any better.
Yup, for sure, But tomorrow being Wed will truly be a hump day as it will get most of us over the worst cold snap!
Boiler is plowing through wood. Had to toss a few more splits on to get me through the night. Baseboard circ pump finally shut off....been running hard for the past few hours. Still 74 in here. That wind is nasty....and has a huge impact on my heat load.
Glad I'm not a HVAC tech tonight. Going to be a lot of service calls, I suspect. My system is running darn near full capacity and that tends to expose weaknesses.