The armistice day blizzard hit more than just minnesotans. 13 illinoisans 13 wisconsinites and a few more from michigan as well. 1940 Armistice Day Blizzard - Wikipedia I've got my mom's side of the family that lives near the lacrosse/tomah/ sparta area and she ate avid duck hunters in the Mississippi River. I've gone out with them once. It was very fun, but you always need to be on your toes. I'd also say that the gear and hunting equipment is a lot better than it was back then. I heard a lot of the duck hunters were in the low skiffs / dugout boats that could easily be swamped.
Yea I should probably quantify that. I've got a nice tree line the really breaks a west wind, so it can seem light here even when it isn't.
Our heat wave is over. 12" of snow give or take today since last night, 2° now. It will drop lower offer the next couple of days. I've got all the good stuff up here at the ready. I'm especially looking forward to the ironwood that I have at the house stack for this cold snap.
All I have stacked next to the boiler is 95% hedge. 3 or 4 years old. About 2.25 cord. The boiler actually doesn't burn it all that well. It has a hard time staying lit and bridges more than I'd like.
earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions -14°F / -26°C, wind NW 14 mph / 22 kph. DED Elm in the old cookstove, burning oil and kilowatts as well. 200 miles south of saskwoodburner.
earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions There's several tricks to using this site. It refreshes every 3 hours, 3 AM, 6 AM. 9 AM, and so on to midnight. You might have to refresh manually, F5 key in Windows. My command line has the map centre, -103.50,50.85 zoom 1112, and cursor location -103.50,50.85. Note that it's longitude - latitude instead of the usual lat - long. Drag the map with the mouse to get to Australia or Germany. Zoom with the mouse wheel, Number one trick, when you're ready to quit after zooming in and out and checking the weather offshore, hit the backspace key until you're back at the starting position before you exit, then you don't have to re-enter you default location. Click on the "earth" button for more features. The wind overlay is always on and I've got temperature on too. Good night, folks.
Had unexpected nap, so wood and heating oil to warm the shack. Apparently stuck in a week of cool/cold weather depending who you are. I think this might ring the bell for coldest January in 5-7 years in heat degree units. We shall see.
2 feels like 0, 75 inside on coals. We’re getting a little taste of the cold before the storm hits but they’re still talking about a mixed mess then a big temperature drop into the negative numbers. I’m already looking forward to the 40’s early next week after it’s all over.
-11.9f starting to feel that dry sting outside .. feels like is same as wind-chill on my graph . Polar vortex Is starting .. well see if gif file works . But you'll get the idea it's for Wednesday. Oak slads are burning. 80 f in living room. Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
16° here, headed to the low 30's, snow/mix starting this afternoon/evening. We're supposed to get 2-3 inches. Tomorrow 30's forecast again before the bottom falls out overnight, so I should be able to clean up any slop before it gets petrified. I almost went to a Craigslist ash/maple free for all yesterday, but I decided to stay home and work on my locust instead. Nada at the dump, the rest of the galvanized roofing I got on Saturday was gone Monday morning, like it had never existed.
23*- 67*.....oak n ash puttin out the btu's. Light snow..maybe a skift....wife took a vacation day to help slice n vacuum pack bacon bacon bacon..
I am about to go move firewood or try that’s way to cold for our furnace. I even turned the garage furnace on to 40f. The neighbor kids may get wrangled into the firewood if I see them