Was going to cut some wood this afternoon but was just outdoors on the porch and the wind made me change my mind. The wood cutting can wait for a better day. Maybe I'll sharpen the chain to get ready for the next time. Do a few things around the house.
Sorry to see your temps so low but the pic could be our front porch as we enclose our porch the same way for winter
It’s clearing up and appears that most of the clouds have moved on. We were -3* at 0533 and are at-18* at 0948. Alaska is recalling our cold from the 48, you should be warming up shortly.
It was -9 when Chaz left for work. Tomorrow is going to be mess. With a mix of rain snow and sleet when the temps go up in the mid 30's.
Started out at -3 At midnight , 11 at 6am , 26 now It's supposed to Keep warming up through the night again With a high of 41 Tomorrow , I'll take it Ash in the box keepin the house warm
digital thermometer read -14*F, old style liquid thermometer read -22*F now I am . which one is correct? Called a neighbor to concur He had -20 . Well my load of Red and White Oak kept the house at 70*. I reloaded the OWB again at 9:00am with a small load of Ash and Soft Maple and loaded again at 6pm with another mix this load should last longer as the temperature is suppose to go up. Calling for mid 40's tomorrow and possibly 50 on Thursday then back in the 20's and single digits Friday and Saturday WTH.
Started at +12 this morning, then clouds & warmer. Was 24 when it started raining? 29 & light snow now. I have no clue what this is about other than stupid. Shoveled some ashes out of the boiler from the heavy burns during the cold. Supposed to warm up the get cold & snow for 7 days. That'll be interesting. Ash & Elm in the boiler.
15 out 75 in, things are almost back to normal for a few hours. Looking forward to the brief warmup into the upper 30’s possibly tomorrow. Still burning down the coals.
17* out 67* in. Filled 'er up with a load of ash this morning. Supposed to get a big warmup today and tomorrow. Its bringing rain with it though
The labs slept until 6 when I got up to take them out. Pouring rain with close to an inch predicted by early afternoon with colder temperatures coming in behind the rain. Snow is almost gone. Added a couple sugar splits to the stove and going to keep it low.
12 here now and supposed to get into the 30's. Tommorrow is gonna get near 50 and rain, just gonna make a mess.
17°, gonna get above freezing today, rain holds off until 5 or so. I need to dig out the storm drain, and shovel the driveway and walk. Yesterday was consumed driving my husband around after he got in a fender bender. Two lanes turning left ( the Amherst/Milford intersection of 101A and 101, turning onto the bypass, for you locals), lady on the outside drove into my husband's fender (passenger side). He tried to get away by driving onto the median, but she got him pretty good. We have a great body shop guy, he helped my husband call the lady's insurance, after he limped his car there. He will most likely get a rental today. Anyway, burning red maple, hawthorn, oak, whatever comes to hand, lots stacked in the basement that I want to burn up before spring. Is it sugaring season yet?
It's tropical outside this morning. 46* and a steady rain. Temp is supposed to start falling later this morning once the wind gets turned around.
Did you build up the fire brick on the bottom and put a plate down? Never seen a Grandpa with wood, level with the bottom of the doors.