27* outside...72* inside. Supposed to drop to 18* by 8 am. Small load of elm since it is so late tonight. Looking forward to this weekend/early next week to let the nc30 really stretch her legs. Gonna bring some oak in to the garage this weekend. Let's see what this thing can do
Thanks to whoever sent the global warming! Much appreciated, -8* feels like a heat wave compared to the mid -50’s we had last week.
8 feels like -2 and 75 inside on coals so far. Still watching the weekend storms. Now they’re saying 10-20”+ across all of Maine and most of NH with over 2’ in some areas. And the mix is supposed to stay right along the coast so I’ve got my fingers crossed. 2’ isn’t bad at all as long as it’s not wet and heavy. It’s predicted to be possibly bigger than the 22” storm last February. Then back in the deep freeze.
Currently 26 outside, woke to 69 degrees inside and a nice bed of hot coals. Some pine to bring temps up a bit before loading her up with some oak before work. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
13° here this AM, only 20's expected for the day. I brought a lot of random wood stashes in yesterday, and stumbled on a nice burning combo: hawthorn logs and skinny yellow birch! Much hotter than the red maple I've been plowing through. 12" of snow expected Sunday.
27* n 70*.....locust n maple flamin....gettin tractors n spreader ready for whatever it ends up to be.....
I was at - 7 this morning.. Was close to Rope .. You can close the door now brother its cool enough down heah!
-3f now. I tried looking for a site on the web that shows the previous 24 hours of local temps. I found one that listed -18 but I am having a hard time believing that! Don't know if it got much cooler that what it is now as the clouds rolled in sometime overnight.
6*F this AM Clear skies and sunshine going up to mid 20's. Last nights mix load still doing it's job 70* throughout the house.
I don't know exactly where you are So I picked this spot on map, on the National Weather Service page over to the right they have , under More information , 3 day history National Weather Service