It sure is ain't it, wait to you get to the three year dry wood and stacks to admire and post pics of.
26 Fog/Mist, high 32 today , no snow ash in the Lopi Weather guessers say , low around 5 Sunday the 20th
Good sleddin', that's what it's all about here. Skiing too. Well Seasoned 's significant other works at a sled dealer. The money flows in weather like that. The service dept will be straight out.
Right now I'm in the part of the stack that's a mix of Boxelder, Sugar Maple, Cherry, and Black Locust. Supposed to be 20s for the high Sunday and teens at night, cold Monday as well....that's Persimmon and Osage Orange weather.
Its 9:30 am under clear skies and -19c/-4f. I just reloaded the stove with lodgepole pine and now Im sitting by the fire drinking a coffee.
We got just a touch of freezing drizzle to make things a bit slippery. Put sand on porch steps. Won't do woods work until after dinner hoping it warms enough to get rid of any ice. Moving logs on forks when icy or snowy is not the best.
22 out and cloudy. Might get an inch tonight. Weekend like everybody else shaping up to be a mess. Lake Erie is probably going to put her .02$ in. Snow will be coming in early Saturday morning and going through all day Sunday.
Above freezing beautiful sunny day today. 36ºF outside. Burning some red oak. Forecast: I have a run to Logan Sunday night for a flight arriving 8PM. Luckily the forecast for Boston (about an hour north of me) is pretty much the same.
Got up to 33* today....refilled my cart n woodbox.....cant find anything except d@£n black locust.....
28 real feel 16. 68 inside getting it warmed with the Ash and BL. Weather guessers saying high of 12 for Sunday. That's for the 1st time this winter.
26F 18 wc & freezing drizzle. Little coat of ice on everything. Real chit weather. Will load the boiler with Oak later.