Yep, supposed to hit single digits & teens here next weekend. Oh the horror, lock up your kids & pets! In my case, I'm going fence row cutting because the ground's finally hard & fairly clear. If the wind is decent that's good working weather. Cherry in the boiler tonight at 21F & no wind. Another nice night.
Headed for 17 tonight. Just got in from checking on the boiler and it's running hard trying to digest some hedge. I put in 9 splits earlier today...should be good until the morning. Baseboard heaters are nice and warm....feels great in here.
Its a mild -10c/14f right now. Im sitting in front of a night time load of larch in the PE. Heres a few pics I took this afternoon of my daughter taking in the scenery while we were skiing. The second one is showing the blanket of cloud that hung over our valley all day. For those who are wondering, the trees are sub alpine fir and spruce at this elevation for the most part. I like how tight the branches are to the trunk. 30 feet of snow over the winter is the norm at this location.
14F this morning. Supposed to get a high of 36F today. 67F inside. Mix of ash and elm warming us back up.
I concur wholeheartedly Midwinter , and a good morning to you! 12 here and the deep coals roared to life with a special treat. Apple and Oak.
Beautiful scenery Sean! Thank you for sharing! 8 feels like -2 and 74 IAT. We might get into the upper 20’s today. I got the rest of the wood in yesterday. Looks like a pretty quiet and cool week but they’re saying we might get the biggest snowstorm of the season next weekend. I’ll believe it when I see it. I just hope it’s all snow this time.
Friday shows a couple inches of wet heavy, but Sunday shows 5 to 8 inches of powder with a high of 22 deg., lets hope.
22 degrees outside this morning. Ash and walnut are going to get us through the day. Colder temps are suppose to move into the area next week, so mulberry, hickory, and honey locust are biding their time.
I don't think you lost, but now that rottiman joined the war, you and Well Seasoned might find you have awoken a sleeping giant.