Keep us posted on how this works out for you bear 1998. I live on a hill and get some pretty good wind from time to this evening.
Same here....maybe 150' below the peak of 1900' above sea level hill.... on the south east side. I do find draft changes do to varying wind direction n also barometric pressures...
Winter is here, at least for Delmarva... 20’s tonight with 30-40mph winds. Im not sure what the real feel will be. I decided to break out the 1,2 punch and own this weather... the hearth has a bunch of 4yr honey locust ready for the overnight burn. Who owns this night? EJP owns this night hahahahahahahahahaga
19 with a real feel of 3. 71 in here with Black Locust and a piece or 2 of Ash. I almost don't remember how to run my stove in colder weather. Looks like it warms up again after tomorrow.
20 here, oak in the stove. The wind has let up a bit here but glad it feels like winter Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wind, no fun. 20s here, looks like some single digits on the way. Rained all night, then cold blew in at 6am and turned it to frozen roads and ice. Did they delay school? Nope. THree buses off the road, thankfully not including the one my wife was piloting. why they don't chain up in a mess like this morning's is totally beyond me.
Buses around here have those do hinkies that drop the chain in front of the tires on demand...just sayin
Certainly would do well here. Geographically, the school district is the biggest in MA and composed almost entirely of towns at elevation that have miles of poorly maintained roads. By the time she got to her last school this morning, wife's fleet was down three buses and averaging almost an hour late.. One teacher totalled her car getting hit by a plow truck, and several high school students crashed. The new superintendent is trying to flex her muscle or she has a vacation booked for early summer and doesn't want to extend the school year too long. I'm all for coping with the hand we're dealt here.. Nobody moves to the hilltowns expecting San Diego weather, but equipping the buses would be a big step in the right direction, and calling a brief delay to let the plows do their work would be a heck of a lot safer for everybody.
Dont know how it was when you went to school..but i can remember a bunch of us guys jumpin out of the bus to push it if it wasnt hung up too rediculous what ya gotta be afraid of...glad i wasnt born any later...i see where you are comin from...
Any guys in the Yukon there talking -45f up there. 7f burning oak slabs here. Dragons are anrgy tonight . We're in high pressure area now. Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
Nice night here. Cleared off & the wind died down. 20F with stars. Loaded a couple extra Elm splits in the boiler.
Was 50ºF noon time, then we had some strong wind and the temp dropped about 10 degrees in an hour or two. 32ºF now and headed for 3 or 4, maybe 5 days of not getting above freezing. Stuffing red oak.
22*...still fallin.....68* is......wind is a rippin, gust 35-45 today....toastin some hickory n ash. Got about a 1/2" of snow last night...
It was 32 below at dinner time. Last I looked it was up to 25 below. Poplar in the stove. It's amazing how much colder and different 40 below is from 25 below. Kinda like the difference between 85 above and 100 above. Or for us cold weather folks , the difference between +70 and + 85. 70 is warm but ok 85 is Hot. Not like ( I'm gonna die hot) but hot enough so a lot of exertion is uncomfortable . 40 below is like that, gotta pay attention , but workable. I got a load of wood in the Dakota, Monday evening after work. I got home and unloaded the truck it was 40 below. It wasn't any big deal . But it wasn't overly comfortable.
Parts of the Yukon get cold that's for sure. Where Rope lives (Tok) Alaska tends to be about as cold as anyone in their right mind would want to deal with. Me, I like the low not to get below 50 below. Maybe a little bump down towards 60 then back up. Tok lives at 50 below regularly and they can get 70 below. That's like Stupid cold. Like being on a different planet kinda cold.