So much too like about this thread on so many levels. 25 cords of wood, free wood, more free wood, a wicked cool Skid Steer fire wood making monster, which I want by the way. And finally some nice sleds that desperately need some miles put on them.
I have a friend who like to cut wood. I talked to him last night and he agreed to help with either. The ash would be best because I can use the 10,000# trailer vs the small trailer for the other place because if the snow gets deeper, I won't be able to use it.
Maybe swap tires off your trailer for some skis. Deep snow.... handled. Serious question now- Even if all of this wood showed up in your backyard by way of Backwoods Savage snapping his fingers for you (he has this ability )... you already stack along your fence- would/could you see letting an overflow of palletized stacks encroach the typically “open” part of your grass? Or is this not of concern. Just wondering out loud. Either way, lotta wood, it will be something the rest of us drool over.... and yes, I’m poking fun when I suggest that Dennis can merely snap his fingers and Presto! wood flies to your place.
I hear you on that too. I love snowmobiling. We have a place up in Tomahawk that has a great trail network. I'd say snowmobiling is one of the most fun things to do can do, Motorsports wise. I cut better and more when there's some snow. It gets to be a bit more work if there's more than a foot of snow, and then I need to break trail a few times before hauling. I use the ATV and a tow behind sled. Very few areas I can get at with a truck/ suv and the trailer. The trails are just atv sized and would really not be possible without the ATV, or a snowmobile if there's ever enough snow to use them.
The row is 150 long, 4 rows deep. It seasons well this way. If I just add another pallet and 2 more rows that will increase capacity by 12.5 cord and I'll loose 5' of lawn. BTW, I have a lot of lawn.
Lawn space don't make money to buy toys, it's over rated imo. Put in more wood, less lawn = fuel & time savings. I see absolutely no issues with owning that many saws, trucks, tractors & associated equipment. Some people just don't get it.
One of the truly addictive pastimes Nice sleds... Caaaa-ching! Add in the inline trailer. Truck to pull it. Riding gear. The list goes on. And worth every red cent years ago when we could ride from the back door any given day/night for month's. Apparently that ship has sailed Had to giggle as I sat through another groomer operator re-cert class a few weeks back. Seemed like another waste of time. I wish ya luck with mother nature! You never know.
I wish I had your problem. I can't even really walk where I want to cut. Me sinketh. Just remember your health and a windfall like this can turn a enjoyable past time into a tedious job. Any way you can sell delivered cull logs ? Lots of people will cut and split but have no real access to the wood in the first place. If you were closer I'd buy some as it's raining here again with no real freezing in sight.
I'd split a cull log load with Screwloose . I'm not kidding. I'm on the north side of Milwaukee. I think our friend is no that far away from me, and you are in the Western Wisconsin area.
Congrats on the windfall. Pending what's available locally, is there an option on renting equipment to get the golf course logs to you? Like a dump truck or trailer, and something like a mini excavator or the like that can load logs. Then possibly dump trailer and use the owners skid steer to help you with his property. Around these parts for a few hundred a week we can rent dump trailer and about the same for a mini excavator.
I so wish I was closer. Got all the equipment needed, just can't get it there. That would be a fun project.
Pace yourself, more may be good, but not good when it is more than intended. This is a hobby, and exercise program with the reward of some spending $$. If you feel you have to have it all, I hope you get some tool to lifta and move those logs about so you aren't pulling you guts out. Living the good life even takes effort not to upset the balance of thing. For me, that new orchard and selling SOME wood is plenty passtime work. you have some beautiful land there. I used to keep my place in great shape before I took a fall and life changed in an instant.
I understand what you are saying but things need to stay in perspective. Right now this is exercise and it occupies my time. From a business standpoint, I spend zero, zip, nada on wood. Renting equipment and incurring hundreds of dollars in costs would make the break even point not worth it for the few additional cords it would net. I will talk to the Superintendant at the golf course and if he agrees, rather than loading his dump trailer I will give him my 18', 10,000# trailer and have him load that and I will haul it home, cut it on the trailer. (I place 5" fence posts perpendiular to the logs, cut to length and then throw on the stacks) This also keeps all the saw dust on the trailer and doesn't make a mess in my yard. The golf course has about 100 trees but some may only be 16" or so and that takes quite a few to make a cord.