All-Time Moisture Records Pile Up as 2018 Draws to a Close by Bob Henson | Category 6 The real shock to me is that even removing the hurricane rain from the central east coast it was still the wettest ever on record. Hit post before I could include the story link. Btw... More rain forecast here tomorrow.
Yep, you guys definitely got it worse than we did even. To add insult to injury, it looks like the last day of 2018 is gonna be a rain day here too. Sheesh.
This after the extended hot, dry stretch we had this summer. We were in a drought until autumn then it went the other way with a vengeance. Extreme weather patterns are the new normal. Global warming rearing it’s ugly head.
I seen yesterday that TN broke the 1976 record for most annual rainfall. They have been keeping rainfall records for 125 years. I know everywhere is just sloppy wet.
I think the numbers are the % compared to the average. As in 114 means you were 14% over thru the month of November
I think we may have broken the record for wettest November in Mass, if not a very close second. I think someone said it rained half of the days in November. Made up for a dry summer though
Statewide rankings for average precipitation for 2018 through November, as compared to each January-to-November period since records began in 1895. Darker shades of green indicate higher rankings for moisture, with 1 denoting the driest month on record and 124 the wettest. Image credit: NOAA/NCEI, via Wayback Machine. (Direct links to NOAA/NCEI were not available because of the ongoing government shutdown