Yeah. I had a buddy who worked at Bass pro and they had them on sale. He knew I wanted one so he got me the discount. Took it back a week later like this and they didn't believe it was the same gun till they looked at the serial numbers. Smoothed up some on the inside as well and it's like silk know. Always loved the Hogue stocks for shooting guns. One guy gave me grief saying making it look like that would scare off the groundhogs. I told him, by the time they see it. it's too late!
Longest shot on a woodchuck Kevin? That's a beauty there. Fireking welcome to the club, very glad to have you aboard!
Normally I can walk up pretty close as they are resting or feeding. 25-50 is the norm. Coyotes are normally longer and harder as they like to stay moving as you know. 85 yards is the record for me on one of those.
85 yards on a yote is a very good shot! I dropped on at about 70 & was pretty happy with that. Offed a chuck at 200 with a buddies .223 range rifle off a bipod & about fainted when the thing flipped. I was shocked that I hit it at that range, but He'd shoot 300 no problem. That rifle was wicked. Of course he could also shoot pretty consistent 300's on the archery league we were in. I think his avg. was 292. Dude can shoot anything & be deadly. Just one of those people.
What winch do you have on the back of your tractor? A am in the market and trying to decide what size and brand.
A few random pics from my yard. First fire of my wood boiler. Wood production in progress. Saw on the rocks. Fire pit.
Good job Stoveburner38 !! I like the use of corrective horizontal splits where necessary. If I ever make one of these I assume that if I feel it's unstable I could wrap that green rolled plastic garden fencing around it as a breathable girdle.