I love that woodshed. Thats exactly what I need to build, something that size and seems fairly simple.
Welcome Fireking ... Nice pic! I think as a new member and a way to endear yourself to the group, it would be a nice gesture to raffle off your cute little score of wood there on this forum. It's sort of a FHC tradition and really we have all done it before so..
Ha Ha!! Nice try! That picture was taken 2 years ago and it is seasoned to perfection now. I don’t think I could part with any of it... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Making a cookie. Just a barnfull Back to the cabin. Dad's old Dodge The family reunion My boys together Splitting easy stuff On the bank
Kevin in Ohio...Every time I get close to posting one of my pics I see a post like yours that intimidates me....Would you mind doing me a small favor and deleting that last post?