Yes I know, I have a corded one that has the same filter problem. It cleans out easily enough though, so the inconvenience is really having to take out the vac from the box and plug it in. Cordless would be nice. I use a table or workbench brush and dustpan most the time.
Well I figured I would get a little after work cardio and tackle bucking up those Elm lengths and splitting. I also wanted to see if it was the friendly variety of elm, or was I going to need to cut it into burnable birthday cake sized pucks instead. Well the verdict came in and I split them no problems except for some stringy ones and one very difficult crotch piece. Most split like a dream and they are very solid and dry for the most part with a few splits needing some longer seasoning time. I would say I yielded about three days worth of round the clock heat (72 hrs) out of that little Home Depot loading zone score. I included the picture of my yard getting a bit "back logged" from a few recent scrounges and in it you can see the stack of elm logs before bucking and splitting. The oak logs in the foreground with ends visible are from a score a week ago and are green so they're not on rush to process. The punky Ash logs in the second picture are from that score a few weeks ago near my daughters school. I only bucked those guys up today and will split tomorrow. Last picture is of the final pile of splits I finished just at dark. You can also see how I have been dealing with my uglies and pucks by just throwing them against the house where there is a bit of roof overhang keeping them somewhat sheltered. My wife is either an angel or hasn't been walking around back of the house lately. Thank goodness I keep her busy and distracted...Shhhh...
I'm envious, I'm too weak and fluridden to work on wood. I'm glad the elm split nicely for you. Your wife must figure that if it keeps you out of the house...
Ugh...sorry to hear that, but at least you still have your quick wit and stacks of of hard work in the wood banks.
I made a big mess in the side yard! I got a lot of the oak I got from Julio cut and trimmed to splittable size. Made a lot of nubbins! The rest will wait for some other day.
Midwinter , do you have a cordless Sawzall? I got one with a few 18 volt batteries. I bought a 12 in blade for trimming trees. It won't take any big stuff but it's great for limb work. Also, when you finally get your trailer. Just go to an empty parking lot and grab some of those orange cones. And practice backing up so you know how to do it without any pressure.
We have a corded sawzall. I used it quite a bit before we got the chainsaw. It worked but I broke a lot of blades. Really, the MS180 is light enough so I'm pretty comfortable using it. Ah, a trailer! I must admit, I've been eyeballing the different models I see at the dump.
Even your messes make for pretty eye candy. I would take that sawdust and spread it on that muddy path through the gate. That's just me though always thinking of what to do with my sawdust and ashes. Nice work and I'm assuming you're feeling better?
Midwinter I seem to get my share of those 'nubbins' as well. I throw them on top of the stack for drying and when it comes to burning them, I take a bunch of them in to the stove and throw them in. They make for a nice daytime reload.
I'm feeling much better, lots of pent-up ambition! Nah, sawdust goes to the dump, that path is much- travelled and sawdust will stick to wheels and shoes.