That's actually a 281. I had two 288 carcass's, of which one had been fitted with a 52mm. I picked up a piston kit on the cheap for that, so that's what I built. It's a non decomp cylinder, so I've had to learn how to talk to it before starting it. I find a good deal on a 288 p/c and it's going up a notch.
My new toy - Poulan245SA. 74 cc of old school American muscle in a small package. I've been keeping my eyes open for one of these for the right price for quite some time. This one still has the original roller nose bar, barracuda chain and functional sharpener!
Was given a 12mm 044. It was locked up. I assumed it was burnt up, but in fact it had an AM P&C on it and it spit out one of the wrist pin clips and locked up on that.