37*F, supposed to get down to 22*F by sun-up. Got Pear, Locust, and the ever popular Poplar in the stove. 68*F in the hallway but I'm sweatin' in the living room.
Stepped out the backdoor for a squirt and thought we were cold yoops? (-2°C × 9/5) + 32 = 28.4°F - You win!
Don't worry, I'll share the temps and conditions!! A town in Wi (Gile) ended up with 24" of snow from this same "event". Glad I don't live there! 4 years ago, they got 50" in one dump! Hoo boy, what a way to start their deer season!
And....at the other end of the U.P. In 1995 (Dec) Sault Ste Marie got dumped with 62" of the fluffy white stuff! Mother nature must really be pizzed at the U.P. sometimes!
I can't imagine what that would be like here. I'd have my snowblower out every hour,but the highway department would never be able to keep up. Would definitely stock up on the bread,milk eggs, and most important TP!
27F windchill of 22. Partly cloudy so it'll get a little colder. 8-9 smallish Silver Maple splits to burn down some coals in the boiler. Reload with the same tomorrow. Guess I'll save my Oak & Locust for the real cold. Boiler just doesn't seem to care much. IAT at 74F.
Yep, amazing, never realized I missed it till I got one. Hadn't had one in probably 20yrs. Them city folk sure got it easy.
26 here, just put a few ash splits in the fire. Coals are building up in the IS. Need to figure out best way to deal with them. 73 in the house btw Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
24* os....69* inside.....got some good coals goin....load some cherry n ash in about an hour....callin for 41* for a high today..
28*F OAT, cozy 68 inside. Burning maple and birch at the moment. Just lit the shop stove with som bio bricks to supplement the junk wood I’m burning out there.