Had windows open last night until this morning 60 outside with rain suppose to be 45 tonight than warming back up after that
On this day last year, Mrs Papi took some very nice photos of our then ten month old sitting and playing in a nice pile of red and yellow leaves.. This year, the ground is bare and most leaves are still quite green. Been a warm fall so far, and it can stay that way until the 10th when my new chimney gets installed.
Built a fire this evening to take the dampness away but after tomorrow it's going to warm back up into the 70s low 80s doing the day upper 50s at night
Boiler is lit & it's gonna stay that way. Few coolish days & then back to the 70's. I can deal with that. Radiant heat from the exchangers keeping it about 70 in the shop, so pretty comfortable. Few Pine logs once a day keeping the boiler fired. Not bad. Kinda looking forward to the first cold snap.
Looks like another cold night (are you surprised?), heading down to -7 C or 19 F, plus a little extra with the wind. Currently just below freezing.
Still HOT down here in GA. I think the weather man said we had set a record for Sept....27 days of 90+ degrees...finally getting a few showers...it will cool down eventually...
38 predicted for tonight after a threat of rain. 50's tomorrow. It also looks like the threat of rain for several days.
22°F this morning. Burning some DED Elm that's been dead for several years. Not much heat in it. 200 miles south of saskwoodburner.
Nothing yet, stove and chimney all cleaned. Waiting for a replacement " gasket " that goes around the cat, should be here next week. Just starting to drop into the 40s at night............just pull gf closer for now.
Covering plants for mama got the gaser at 170° with 6 year old free oak. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Just back from a poor evening of fishing. Temp is currently -3 C or 27 F with a bit of wind on top later. Ugly not quite there poplar in the reactor.
Another beautiful day....68* now.....vacuumed leaves off of driveway, pulled flowers out of bed in front of house.....STILL to wet to mow....maybe tomorrow or Monday.
51 with occasional light rain,cloudy & dreary day here.Gonna toss some scrap in firebox later this afternoon.take the chill off for a few hours,first fire of the season.Supposed to be back at 65-70 on Monday-Tuesday though so there will be plenty of opportunities in a couple weeks I imagine
Frost on rooftops in the area. Did not get out of the 50's yesterday or today. Nice! I love this weather! Official low was 37.