Who likes beets? Beets are the essence of the earth. They put the organic in organic. I really dislike canned beets. So, out of the box this year w/the IP. 6min on high pressure. Quick release. Into ice bath. When they come out of the IP, the peels just slid off. Cut them up, bag, vacuum...into the freezer. .....and they taste just like candy.
Just 2 Cucumber plants here but the one on the right is now 17ft long and pretty much everyday picking a nice one off them. Will make a few tall trellises next year for sure.
I never thought of using my small pressure cooker for cooking beets. I couldn't get over how long it took to boil them. I haven't done them in a long while.
It has been years since I had a garden that produced like this one. What started last March is coming to a close. Bags of squash/beets in the freezer. Half dozen spaghetti and acorn squash still to bring in. A few quarts of sauce for this winter Plenty of romas/jalapenos left to make some fresh salsa. The InstantPot is a great kitchen tool. So grateful for these blessings.
Excellent yield! Those pics need smell-o-vision! Today I processed some Havasu and Poblano peppers. Those plants are thriving, tomatoes not so much. The huge amounts of rain are splitting the skins.
Sheesh we have a instant pot and I've been using the slow cooker - all day for two jars. Here's some canned and some dehydrated jalapenos
Those peppers are beauties. We just got the IP in Aug. My first experience w/it. I love it. We are processing apples today, making apple sauce. Same process as the tomatoes. Cut the apples like this: Peel and all. Makes it really easy because these have worms. It is taking about 10min to cut and fill the pot. 16min under pressure. 1/2 cup of apple juice and 1tbls of pumpkin pie spice. No sugar. Hit it w/the boat motor. Third pot is cooking now.
Some jalapeno jelly I have no idea what this tastes like. The puree didn't smell so great so I didn't taste it. Was supposed to yield 5 half pints but it boiled over while I was watching the football game at the same time. Quite a bit. Jalapeno Sugar burning on electric coils smell lingers. They certainly set. I hope not too hard. 2 half pints and 3 quarter pints. I want to try it again with red jabaneros and I'll have some really red ones in a couple of days but I was asked nicely if I could cook in the garage on the grill.
Pulled all 8 or 9 butternut squash vines and got the squash out of the dirt. I might wash them, I might see how how much dirt the rain washes off them Tuesday first. Not too bad considering how late these got planted. The three facing 90º from the others have something wrong with them . One is kinda green and might and might not harden up for storage and might not taste so good right now. One has frass in the stem and might have a worm in it so it will not get stored and the one on the left has frass and a hole in the squash itself, so there's some kind of worm in it. I've never had worms in butternut squash before. These two will be getting cut open in a day or two. I ran one partially over with the riding mower and we had what was left of that one with scrambled eggs this morning.
That's a lot of vitamins right there! I should eat more squash. I like it, maybe if I froze small portions it would be more convenient.