44° here this morning, so lit up our first fire in our basement stove. Birch and a few nuggets of oak. Waiting for the cat to catch on and curl up in front of it.
47F here this morning. I saw it was gonna get cold, so I closed up the house before we went out yesterday afternoon. 67F inside this morning, only because we opened a bedroom window when we got home.
Actually I have been burning since April, the weather is on the improve so my burning season should end in about a month. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What? You've been burning all summer? Hope you saved some wood for winter. (BTW.. I do know leoht is in southern hemisphere.)
Had our first fire this morning. Stove still giving heat and probably will most of the rest of today, thanks to the soapstone. Feels great. Raised the temperature 10 degrees quite fast.
Fire? No way. It finally broke into the 70s for daytime highs and 40s and 50s for overnight lows. We opened up and started enjoying autumn at last. I have been looking for this for months now.
Fire in the hole tonight. No chimney for the IS yet, so it's back to the owb for the inaugural fire of the year. Didn't get out of the 60s today, with a high of 61 with drizzle all day tomorrow.. Mama said heat, so heat she shall get! Burning some ugly sugar maple and a couple dry splits of pine to get her going.
Put me down for first fire last night. Second one will be again tonight. Got snow on the surrounding mountains. 30 degree weather. It’s time.