Celebrated my birthday last night with my 1st fire of the year. Didn't really need to, but it sure took the bite off. Just burned 2 small loads of box elder so it didn't get too hot in the house. Who else else has started burning?
I'm fighting the urge to fire up the new boiler, got plenty of wood, but once it's fired it's gonna stay that way. We'll see.
Had a small fire last night with some small Ash kindling, then added a couple small splits to keep it going before I went to bed. Not the first fire I've had.
Happy late birthday. Yep we are burning down here in GA. UP that is, still in the low-mid 90's. Looking at some cooler temps next couple weeks, though.
I lit up the stove on Sept 9th. Just to knock the chill off on a rainy day. Haven't had a fire since, but we talked about it a few minutes ago. Kinda chilly tonight...
Light her up! I've been burning straight for 10 days now. We are expecting snow Monday. Down to 5000 feet anyway. The wife and I may even light the sauna in the morning.
Happy belated B'day wishes Dakota Hoarder We've had one fire so far, like TurboDiesel it was a couple weeks ago and was wet and cool. Had to open the windows, but the house was warm and dry. Will likely be burning more very soon, but we'll see.
Only down to 50 right now, but lit up a small kindling fire a while ago. Might add some more to it before bed. Going down to 40.
I had a small fire late August - had some chilly weather. I probably would have had one tonight (47 out) but the 2-year d Ideal Steel is in process of me replacing all the gaskets. I should finish tomorrow and will probably have a small break-in fire tomorrow night.
46 this morning ... Felt so good after so many months of humidity and heat . Made a small fire last night... Just junk scraps. Warm enough to cook me out of the room eventually. Happy Birthday BTW