Have y'all gotten armadillos up there yet? We have them down here in GA now, they will tear up a yard too, looking for grubs.
Nope.....non of those....yet. It does seem to be more n more things moving farther north...such as Black Widow n Recluse Spiders
We're getting Ravens and Moose moving south around here, 200 miles south of saskwoodburner. I'm burning a pail or 2 of wood a day now.
Surely is not colder here today. 86 the last time I looked. After having days in the 60's this is hot. No wind either. Again, we are patiently awaiting fall. I did move the splitter today as I still have some of that white oak to split but had to move the splitter to get at the logs. By the time I finished, I was finished and the splitting will wait another day or three.
It's a nice 70* now....only problem....foggy n raining elephants n rhinos......after the remenance of florence goes by its suppose to be dryer....I'll beleive it when I see it. Over 1.5 inches since about 9:00 this mornin
Did you get any white stuff down there last night? Or just wet stuff. I took the fuzzy buddies out for their last business around midnight, and had a small bit of slushy remnants on the step. I don't know what happened after that though.
Well we made out ok. Summer thunderstorms are usually worse. All total all weekend where I am we got less than an inch and maybe had gusts into the upper teens maybe 20mph?
There was a tenth in the Imperial gauge and 2.0 mm in the metric gauge this morning but no white stuff yet. It was damp all day as the cement doorstep is still damp at 7:00 PM. The combines won't roll for a few days although most of the wheat and a good chuck of the Canola is already in the bin.
Lol...nope, they haven't figured out how to cross the Mighty Mississippi River, however I have seen one at the taxidermist place along with a swamp monkey...lol...wish the armadillos and coyotes would find their way back across the river.
I haven't even checked the rain gauge lately. All I know is that our weather reminds me of how I think the British Isles are.
Woke up to a nice mile morning yesterday (Sunday) but then the weather changed and cooled off all day long. 47f now with the highs only in the low 60's and 50's for the next week. And wet all week. Yup, its starting.
Sitting at 3 C or 37 F again, looking for a high of 7 C or 45 F. I hope this weather disappears before these are actually normal temps. More poplar uglies feeding the reactor.
90 here, but the humidity isn't bad at all. I'm dying to test fire the new boiler but every time I bring it up with the wife I get "the look".
Made it to 90 again today at least humidity not as bad and looks like we have a few more days of this and hopefully cool down some