Both of the Harleys my dad had leaked. One was a 80' 1200 sportster he bought wrecked and fixed up, the other was a 92' FLXHT (?) dresser. I was always told it was just "sweat" 'from all that horsepower'.
Older bikes, yes. Ex's 1981 Wide Glide leaked and so did his '61 Sportster. But you guys are talking about newer bikes (which I equate with <15 YO. Oh, I'm not taking offense - just gotta refute some of you misguided doubters
I got a thumbs up from a new rider on a Harley at a stop light last night on way home from work. Though my bike is not a cruiser, being a Triumph (even tho a 'crotch rocket' variety) usually gets me some love from the Harleys. Only time I have a problem with the Hog riders is when they are clogging up a good road in front of me. Different bikes, different paces. They sometimes seem butt-hurt when I pass them. No disrespect intended to them when I do, it's just that their pace isn't much fun for me. I had a guy nearly kill himself trying to go fast in front of me once. Too proud to let me by? Quite curvy road, making a safe pass had limited opportunities. I try really hard not to make "duck passes" on cars or bikes. I watched this guy nearly lose it in 4 corners. Before I decided to pull off so he wouldn't feel pressured. Why not just safely let the faster rider by? Could I have passed him....certainly. It would have been a dangerous pass and I was afraid he may try to keep pace with me, which he had absolutely no business doing. I feel like I did the guy a favor. He likely feels that he 'bested' a sport bike. Pride is a very dangerous thing on a motorbike IMO.
The AMF harleys leaked when new, in the showroom. I'd say it's rare for then to leak when new now, and for quite a few years since the AMF days. However, I see them leak more often than any other bike, even newer ones. I live in the surburbs of Milwaukee so I see quite a few Harley's.
There is a reason I had a cruiser, then went up to touring models. I don't want, or need to go fast - I want to be comfortable, have all my "necessities" and see the scenery (or as much as I can while eyeballing the road). If I feel I'm holding someone up, I'll scoot over and wave them by - even cars. Doesn't happen often, but I try to be polite. Watched one HD hard-tail rider harassing a bicyclist while I was behind him. Don't know if the guy was "showing off" for the female behind him, or is always that way, but I wanted to go kick his azz (but I'm smart enough not to). Had a crotch rocket pass me on very windy, one lane road that I know well - hell, I didn't even know he was there until he passed me (he wasn't there when I turned the corner onto the road and had only gotten about 200' and was in the middle of a blind curve). He's just lucky I don't startle easily or it could have ended badly for one or both of us. Just saying I know there are plenty of A-hole riders, of any type of bike. Most riders I know are just trying to do their own thing and hoping nobody's day gets messed up. But I get extra leery when any are in a pack that is being led by a not-so-level-headed rider - people can do things they wouldn't normally dream of doing when they in a herd mentality .
The motor is amazing! Just chatted it up with a 1290GT owner. Their reliability is an issue, at least for him. Electronic suspension stuck in one mode etc. Make sure to do diligent research before popping the cork. Put about 100 miles on the clock this evening with a friend. We stopped at the Timonium Flat Track races (and a very good bbq joint close by).
I keep hearing that the sd1290 regardless of gt or r designation is a roaster of a motor. As in uncomfortable amounts of heat. They do have a 2 yr I think unlimited miles warranty. Nobody else has that There's a demo day coming up, but I wish it were closer, and it's during 2 weekdays. Also there's a used gt at a place that does let you test ride. If I do want to go that route, I'll make a way to test ride. Looking at the 1100 tuono still though.
Guy on FB complained about an oil leak so he couldn't ride his bike. Not a Harley - you can ride those even when there is a leak
Back when I still worked at the bike shop we had a few "bi" owners (Harley and "off shore") with both brands in the same garage, they liked to say that the Harleys don't leak, they just mark their territory!
I had an 06 Super Glide that never leaked a drop. Although I only it owned for about a year before I got rid of it. Great bike though. Think it was the first year for the 6 speed? IIRC. I know it was a 6 speed and had the 1200 motor.
I think earlier years also had a 6-speed, but I think that was the first year for fuel injection. Weird that the Super Glide had 6 speeds, but my '06 Street Glide had 5.
2 grandpa's go west. 4 States. 2300 miles. 7 days. Change in elevation from 900' to 9000' and back. One 250 Super Sherpa and one KLX 300. We had a blast. My Sherpa did well on fuel as it always does. At worst it was 60 mpg. The better days went to nearly 80 mpg. Cant wait to go again! Ill try to get a pic or two loaded.
My wife and I are headed to the UP and then over through Wisconsin for a wedding around the Greenbay area. We will be on the road 8-9 days. I’ll try to post some decent pics of the scenery.